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3 investigations are
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>uble theta-functions
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in his “ Memoir on
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memoir** “On the
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theoretical dynamics,
as professor. Among
lose on the attraction
methods of Legendre,
hi. (1828), pp. 376—389.
:v. No. 267.
Jacobi, Gauss, Laplace, and Rodrigues; and his evaluations or reductions of multiple
definite integrals connected with attractions and potentials in general, particularly his
“ Memoir on Prepotentials*,” in which he discusses the reduction of the most general
integral of the type that can occur in dealing with the potential-problem related to
hyperspace. He also frequently recurred at intervals, before drawing up his reports about
to be quoted, to the consideration of the motion of rotation of a solid body about a
fixed point under no forces. By introducing Rodrigues’s co-ordinates into the equations of
motion he was able to reduce the solution of the problem to quadratures; but the
final solution of this case, in the most elegant form, is due to Jacobi himself; it
involves single theta-functions. It may be remarked that the next substantial advance
made in the theory of motion of a body under the action of forces is due to the
late Madame Sophie Kovalewsky, who, in a memoir+, to which the Bordin Prize of
1888 was awarded by the Paris Academy of Sciences, has shown that the motion can,
in a particular case, be determined in terms of double theta-functions when the body
rotating round a fixed point is subject to the force of gravity.
Sometimes, after reading widely upon a subject, Cayley would draw up a report
recounting the chief researches in it made by the great writers. It occasionally happens
in the development of a theory that periods come when the incorporation and the
marshalling of created ideas seem almost necessary preliminaries to further progress.
Cayley was admirably fitted for work of this kind, owing not only to his faculty of
clear and concise exposition, but also to his wide and accurate knowledge. Among such
reports, two are of particular importance; his “ Report on the recent progress of
theoretical dynamics | ” and his “ Report on the progress of the solution of certain
special problems of dynamics § ” have proved of signal service to other writers and
to students. His knowledge and his power of summarising are shown also in some
interesting articles on mathematical topics, written by him for the Encyclopedia
Cayley also had a great enthusiasm for some of the branches of physical astro
nomy. Some idea of the value and importance of his labours in this subject, par
ticularly in connexion with the development of the disturbing function in both the
lunar theory and the planetary theory, and with the general developments of the
functions that arise in elliptic motion, may be gathered by consulting the series of
memoirs || which he communicated to the Royal Astronomical Society.
Special reference should be made to one of Cayley’s astronomical papers. In 1853
Adams had made a new investigation of the value of the secular acceleration of the
moon’s mean motion, and, taking account of the variation in the eccentricity of the
earth’s orbit, had obtained a value which differed from that given by Laplace. Unfor
tunately, Adams’s result was disputed by some of the great school of French physical * * * § *
* Phil. Trans. 1875, pp. 675—774.
t Mem. des Sav. Etr., vol. xxxi. (1894), No. 1.
+ G. M. P. vol. hi. No. 195 ; Brit. Assoc. Report (1857), pp. 1—42.
§ C. M. P. vol. iv. No. 298; Brit. Assoc. Report (1862), pp. 184—252.
|| They are included, with very few exceptions, in the third and the seventh volumes of the Collected Mathe
matical Papers.