Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

but the object of the rule is to obtain this last-mentioned result directly, and under 
standing “ operate in regard to a letter ” to mean differentiate with regard to this 
letter and integrate with respect to the next succeeding letter, then the coefficients 
of the successive powers of x are all obtained from the first coefficient by operating 
thereon according to the rule of the last and the last but one; thus <£a, operating 
on a gives (f>'a. b; this operating in regard to b gives cf)'a. c, and in regard to a gives 
the term fra.c is to be operated upon in regard to c only, and it gives 
b 2 
(f)'a. d ; the other term fi'a. ^ operated on in regard to b gives <f>"a. be, and in regard 
b 3 
to a it gives (j)"'a. ^ ; and so on. But attending only to the literal parts, the terms, 
for instance b 2 , be, bd, &c., which present themselves in the formula, are the homogeneous 
c 2 
terms derived from b 2 , by the rule, as originally stated, with a view to the derivation 
of such terms.

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