Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

7. Explain wherein consists the peculiarity of the following problem, and solve it 
by geometrical considerations:— 
The peculiarity of the problem is that the variable parameters upon which the 
circle depends, (say a, /3 the coordinates of the centre and k the radius), are not 
subject to any equations, but only to the inequalities 
№>{a- aff + (/3 - A)' 2 , 
k 2 >(a- a,)' 2 + (/3 - /3 2 ) 2 , 
k 2 > (a - ot 3 ) 2 + (/3 - A) 2 , 
(a 1} A; a 2, Al A> the coordinates of the given points, and the sign > including =). 
The problem therefore cannot be solved by the ordinary analytical method, but it is 
easily solved geometrically as follows: Let A, B, C be the three points; consider all 
the circles inclosing the three points, viz. 0 a circle not passing through any of them ; 
A a circle through the point A, B a circle through the point B, AB a circle through 
the points A and B, &c. Then for any circle 0, if the centre be fixed and the 
radius gradually diminish, the circle will at last pass through one of the points ABC; 
that is, every circle 0 is greater than some circle A, B, or C; and the circle 0 is 
therefore not a minimum. Taking next a circle A, we may imagine the centre to move 
from its original position in a straight line towards the point A, the circle thus 
gradually diminishing until it passes through one of the points B or C; that is, every 
circle A is greater than some circle AB or AG, and therefore no circle A is a minimum; 
and in like manner no circle B or G is a minimum. There remain the circles 
AB, AC, BG; if the triangle ABC is acute-angled, then in each series, the least circle 
is the circle ABC circumscribed about the triangle; and this is then the minimum 
circle inclosing the three points. But if the triangle is obtuse-angled, say at C, then 
the least circle CA or GB is the circle ABC circumscribed about the triangle; but 
this is not the least circle AB, viz. the circle AB, being diminished to ABC, may 
be further diminished until it becomes the circle on the diameter AB; but below 
this it cannot be diminished; and consequently the minimum circle inclosing the three 
points is in this case the circle on the diameter AB. 
8. A particle describes an ellipse under the simultaneous action of given central 
forces, each varying as (distance) -2 , at the two foci respectively: find the differential 
relation between the time and the eccentric anomaly. 
Taking the equation of the ellipse to be ~ +1- 2 = 1, and the absolute forces at 
the two foci (ae, 0), {—ae, 0) to be y, y respectively, the differential equations of 
motion will be 
d 2 x x — ae 
dt 2 ^ 1 
, (x + ae)

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