Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

10. An endless heavy chain of given length is suspended from two fixed points in the 
same horizontal plane: show that (.subject to a condition as to the length) the figure of 
equilibrium may consist of portions of two distinct catenaries. 
The two parts of the chain will each of them be a portion of a catenary, viz. 
they will either coincide with each other, forming a twice repeated portion of a 
catenary (which is always a possible position of equilibrium), or they will form portions 
of two distinct catenaries. That the latter form is in some cases possible, appears 
from the case of a very long chain. It is then clear that there is a position of 
equilibrium in which the upper catenary is nearly a straight line. It may be added, 
that, as the length of the chain diminishes, the two distinct catenaries approach more 
and more, and for a certain value of the length become coincident; for any smaller 
value of the length, the only position is that consisting of a twice repeated portion 
of a catenary. But to obtain the solution in a regular manner, observe that, in order 
to the existence of such a form of equilibrium, the necessary condition is, that the 
tension at A (or B) must be equal in the two catenaries. Now the tension at any 
point of a catenary is proportional to the height above the directrix of the catenary; 
hence the condition is, that there shall be through the points A, B two catenaries having 
the same directrix, and such that the sum of the lengths is equal to the given length 
of the chain. 
Take AB = 2a, the length of the chain = 21. Take /3 for the distance of the 
directrix below the points A, B; c for the parameter of the catenary (or distance of 
its lowest point above the directrix), /3, c being of course unknown. Then taking the 
origin at the mid-point of the directrix, and the axis of y vertically upwards, the 
equation of the catenary is 
whence for the point A or B, 
a a 
/3 = l(e-° + e~°), 
and the arc measured from the lowest point is 
Hence, assuming that there are two distinct catenaries, if the parameters are c, c', we 
%c(e c + e c ) = \c' (e c ' + e c '), 
a a 
%c (e c — e c ) + \c' (e 
which are the conditions for the determination of c, c' ; and it is to be shown that 
these can be satisfied otherwise than by taking c = c'.

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