Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

The ordinary nodes (if any) on the curves f(x, y, C)=0 form a locus called the 
“ nodal locus,” and the cusps (if any) a locus called the “ cuspidal locus.” Take the 
point P a given point on the nodal locus, G has a two-fold value answering to the 
curve in regard to which P is a node, and n — 2 other values; that is, the n curves 
through P are the nodal curve reckoned twice and n — 2 other curves; the directions 
are the directions at the node, and the n— 2 other directions, in all n directions, which 
are the directions given by the equation </> = 0; there is no peculiarity in regard to 
this equation. 
Similarly, take P anywhere on the cuspidal locus: G has a two-fold value, answering 
to the curve in regard to which P is a cusp, and n — 2 other values; that is, the 
n curves through P are the cuspidal curve reckoned twice and n — 2 other curves; 
the directions are the direction at the cusp reckoned twice and n — 2 other directions: 
in all n directions, which are the directions given by the equation (f> = 0; this equation 
thus gives a two-fold value of p. 
There is a locus (distinct from the nodal and cuspidal loci) which may be called 
the “ envelope locus,” such that taking P anywhere on this locus G has a two-fold 
value; for such position of P the n values of G are the value in question reckoned 
twice and n — 2 other values; the n curves through P are that belonging to the 
two-fold value of G, or say the two-fold curve, and n — 2 other values; and the n 
directions are the direction along the two-fold curve counted twice, and n — 2 other 
directions; these are the n directions given by the equation <£ = 0, viz. this equation 
gives a two-fold value of p. 
The envelope locus may be an indecomposable curve, or it may break up into 
two or more curves; and it may happen that either the whole curve or one or more 
of the component curves may coincide with a particular curve or curves of the system 
/0, V, G) = 0. 
There is a locus (distinct from the cuspidal and envelope loci) which may be 
called the tac-locus, such that taking P anywhere on this locus p has a two-fold 
value; for such position of P, there is no peculiarity as regards G, viz. G has n 
distinct values giving rise to n curves through P; but as the directions are given 
by the equation </> = 0, two of the curves touch each other, viz. the tac-locus is the 
locus of points, such that at any one of them two of the curves f(x, y, G) = 0 through 
the point touch each other. 
We may by an extension of the received notation write 
disct c / (x, y, C) = 0 
to denote the equation between (x, y), such that, for any values of (x, y), which satisfy 
the condition, or say for any position of P on the C'-discriminant locus, there is a 
two-fold value of (7. By what precedes it appears that the C'-discriminant locus is 
made up of the nodal, cuspidal, and envelope loci, and without going into the proof 
I infer that it is in fact made up of the nodal locus twice, the cuspidal locus three 
times, and the envelope locus once.

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