Writing moreover
disctp cf) (x, y, p) = 0
to denote the equation between (x, y), such that for any values of {x, y) which satisfy
the condition, or say for any position of P on the p-discriminant locus, there is a
two-fold value of p. By what precedes, it appears that the ^-discriminant locus is
made up of the envelope locus, cuspidal locus, and the tac-locus ; as I infer, each of
them once.
The foregoing are the abstract principles : I consider the singular solution to be
that given by the equation which belongs to the envelope-locus (viz. I do not recognise
any singular solution which is not of the envelope species) ; and the result of the
investigation is, when we seek in the ordinary way to obtain the singular solution,
whether from the integral equation or from the differential equation, that we account
for the extraneous factors which present themselves in the two processes respectively.
I reserve for another communication the discussion of particular examples.