Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

two smith’s prize dissertations. 
(in the tangent plane at P) of the orthogonal directions PA, PB; viz. it is found 
that these must be such that the normals PP', A A' intersect, or, what is the same 
thing, the normals PP', BB' (one of these conditions implying the other); that is, 
that the lines PA, PB shall be the directions of the two curves of curvature through 
P on the given surface. 
Observe that PP', A A' intersecting each other, the four points P, P', A, A' are 
in the same plane, that is, PA, P'A' intersect, these lines being the normals at P, P' 
respectively of the surface through P of one of the other two families; and similarly 
PP', BB' intersecting each other, the lines PB, P'B' intersect; these being the normals 
at P, P' respectively of the surface through P of the other two families. We have 
through PP' two planes at right angles to each other; and these are met by a plane 
A'P'B', in two lines A'P', B'P', the inclinations of which to the line PP' differ only 
infinitesimally from a right angle, say they are 90° — a and 90° — b respectively; hence 
if the angle A'P'B' is = 90° — c, this is the hypotenuse of a right-angled spherical 
triangle, the sides whereof are 90° — a, 90° — b; wherefore sin c = sin a sin b, viz. sin c is 
an infinitesimal of a higher order which may be neglected, or the angle P' will be 
= 90°; that is, the surfaces through P of the other two families, intersecting the given 
surface in the directions PA, PB of the two curves of curvature, will intersect the 
consecutive surface at P' in the two directions P'A', P'B' at right angles to each 
other; which is an a posteriori verification of Dupin’s theorem. 
In what precedes the given surface through P may be regarded as a surface 
assumed at pleasure; and it in effect appears that taking the consecutive surface also 
at pleasure (but varying only infinitesimally from the given surface), the condition in 
order that the two surfaces, which at P intersect each other and the given surface at 
right angles, shall at P' intersect the consecutive surface in two directions at right 
angles to each other, is that they shall intersect the given surface in the directions 
PA, PB of the two curves of curvature. But if we thus take the consecutive surface 
at pleasure,—or say if we construct it by measuring off along the normal at each 
point P of the given surface an infinitesimal distance PP', = p, where p an arbitrary 
function of the coordinates of the point P,—then although on the consecutive surface 
the lines P'B', P'A' are at right angles to each other, there is nothing to show, and 
it is not in fact the case, that these lines P'A', P'B' are the directions of the curves

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