Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

where, however, the II (x) of the last equation must be regarded as differing from that 
of the first equation by a period, say il, of the integral; hence adding, we have 
O = nil (k), 
n (k) = - H, 
which gives between the constants of the integral equation (*][#, l) 2 (y, l) 2 = 0, a 
relation which must be satisfied when the series closes at the n th term (viz. when 
the term after this coincides with the first term); and this relation is independent 
of x, that is, of the position of the point A. 
The analysis in regard to the differential equation is as follows: 
Consider the equation 
U = y 2 (ax 2 + 2 bx + c ) 
+ 2y (a'x 2 +2 b'x + c') 
+ (a"x 2 + 2 b"x + c") = 0, 
U=(P, Q, R\y, 1) 2 = (£, M, N^x, l) 2 = 0, 
we have 
dU=0 = (Py + Q)dy + (Lx + M) dx. 
But the equation (7=0 gives (Py + Q) 2 = Q 2 — PR, (Lx + M) 2 = M 2 — NL, and the 
differential equation therefore becomes 
dy V(Q 2 - PR) ± dx s/(M 2 - NL) = 0, 
viz. it is 
\Z{(ay 2 + 2a'y + a") (cy 2 + 2c'y + c") — (bx 2 + 2b'y + b") 2 ) 
dx _ „ 
~ \/{(ax 2 + 2bx + c) (a!'x 2 + 2b"x + c") — (a'x 2 + 2b'x + c') 2 } 
Suppose the equation is 
y 2 (ax 2 + 2hx + g) 
+ 2 y (hx 2 + 2 bx + f) 
+ (gx 2 + 2fx + c) = 0, 
then the differential equation is 
V{(ay 2 + 2hy + g) (gy 2 + 2\fy + cf - (hy 2 + 2by +/) 2 } 
dx _ q 
“ \J{(ax 2 + 2hx + g) (gx 2 + 2fx + c) — (hx 2 + 2bx + f) 2 ) 

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