Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

13. Reproducing for this case the general theory, it appears a priori that 11 is 
determined by a quartic equation; in fact, from the original equations eliminating 12, 
we have an equation 
U , 
where U, U' } V, V' are quartic functions of a, /3; that is, the ratio a : (3 has four 
values, and to each of these there corresponds a single value of 12; viz. 12 is deter 
mined by a quartic equation. 
14. Considering next the case n = 5, the quintic transformation; the elimination of 
12 gives the equations 
V ~ V W' ’ 
where U, U', &c. are all quadric functions of a, /3, y. We have thence 4.4 — 2.2, =12 
sets of values of a : /3 : 7; viz. considering a, /3, 7 as coordinates in piano, the curves 
UV' — JJ'V = 0, UW' — U'W-0 are quartic curves intersecting in 16 points; but among 
these are included the four points U = 0, U' = 0 (in fact, the point a = 0, 7=0 four 
times), which are not points of the curve VW'—V'W = 0; there remain therefore 
16 — 4, =12 intersections, agreeing with the general value (n + 1). 2* ,n-8) . Hence 11 
is in the first instance determined by an equation of the order 12; but the proper 
order being = 6, there must be a factor of the order 6 to be rejected. To explain 
this and to determine the factor, observe that the equations in question are 
tea? (2ay + 2/3y + /3 2 ) — y 2 (2ay + 2 a/3 + /3 2 ) = 0, 
tea 3 (a + 2/3) — 7 3 (7 + 2/3) = 0 ; 
at the point a = 0, 7 = 0, the first of these has a double point, the second a triple 
point; or there are at the point in question 6 intersections; but 4 of these are the 
points which give the foregoing reduction 16 — 4 = 12; we have thus the point a = 0, 
7 = 0, counting twice among the twelve points. Writing in the two equations /3 = 0, 
the equations become tea 3 y — ay 3 =0, tea 4 — y 4 = 0, viz. these will be satisfied if tea?—y 2 =0, 
that is, the curves pass through each of the two points (/3 = 0, 7 = ± ka), and these 
values satisfy (as in fact they should) the third equation 
k 2 (2ay + 2a/3 + /3-) a (a + 2/3) — 7 (7 + 2/3) (2aey + 2/3 + /3 2 ) = 0. 
It is moreover easily shown that the three curves have at each of the points in question 
a common tangent; viz. taking A, B, C as current coordinates, the tangent at the 
point (a, /3, 7) of the second curve has for its equation 
A (2a 3 -1- 3a 2 /3) te + B (tea 3 — 7 3 ) — C (27 3 + 3y 2 /3) = 0 ; 
and for /3 = 0, y = ±ka, this becomes 2kA + B (k + 1) + 2G = 0, viz. this is the line from 
the point (¡3 = 0, 7 = ± ka) to the point (1, — 2, 1). And similarly for the other two 
curves we find the same equation for the tangent.

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