functions. [578
; à priori that il is
atious eliminating il,
ratio a : ¡3 has four
il ; viz. il is deter-
m ; the elimination of
thence 4.4 —2.2, =12
> in piano, the curves
16 points ; but among
oint a = 0, 7=6 four
iere remain therefore
1). 2^ n ~ 3 K Hence il
12; but the proper
rejected. To explain
stion are
the second a triple
it 4 of these are the
thus the point a = 0,
two equations /3 = 0,
satisfied if k-a-—y 2 =0,
y=± ka), and these
* 2 ) = o.
:he points in question
the tangent at the
this is the line from
iy for the other two
Hence among the 12 points are included the point (y = 0, a = 0) twice, and the
points (/3 = 0, 7 = ± ka) each twice: we have thus a reduction = 6.
15. Writing in the equations 7 = 0, a = 0, the first and third are satisfied
identically, and the second becomes /3 2 = fl/3 2 , that is, the equations give fl = 1; writing
/3 = 0, they become
k- a? = fly 2 , ay = flay, y- = fl k 2 a. 2 ,
viz. putting herein y- = k 2 a 2 , the equations again give fl = 1; hence the factor of the
order 6 is (fl — l) 8 , and the equation of the twelfth order for the determination of fl is
(fl — l) 6 {(fl, l) 6 } =0,
where (fl, 1) 6 =0 is the fl&-modular equation above written down.
16. Reverting to the equation
1 - y _ (1 -x)(P - Qxf
1+2/ (1 + x)(P + Qx) 2 ’
it is to be observed that for a = 0, 7 = 0, that is, P = 0, this becomes simply y = x,
which is the transformation of the order 1; the corresponding value of the modulus
A is \ = k, and the equation A, = fl 2 k then gives fl 2 = l, which is replaced by fl — 1 = 0.
If in the same equation we write /3 = 0, that is, Q = 0, then (without any use of
the equation y 2 = tea?) we have y = x, the transformation of the order 1; but although
this is so, the fundamental equation
(P 2 + 2 PQx 2 + Q 2 x 2 )* = fW (P 2 + 2 PQ + QW),
which, putting therein Q = 0, becomes (P 2 )* = flk 2 P 2 , that is, (k 2 x 2 a + y) 2 = ilk- (a + yx 2 ) 2 ,
is not satisfied by the single relation fl -1 = 0, but necessitates the further relation
y 2 = k~a 2 .
The thing to be observed is that the extraneous factor (fl-1) 8 , equated to zero,
gives for fl the value fl = 1 corresponding to the transformation y — x of the order 1.
17. Considering next n = 7, the septic transformation ; we have here between a, (3, 7, S
a fourfold relation of the form
( U, V, w, z ) = 0,
I w, V', W', Z' I
where, as before, U, U', &c. are quadric functions, and the number of solutions is here
8.2 2 , =32; to each of these corresponds a single value of fl, or fl is in the first
instance determined by an equation of the order 32. But the oidei of the modulai
equation is = 8; or representing this by {(fl, 1) 8 } = 0, the equation must be
(fi, 1 mn, i) 8 }=o,
viz. there must be a special factor of the order 24.