Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

18. One way of satisfying the equations is to write therein a=0, 8 = 0; the 
equations thus become 
k/3 2 = kly 2 , 
y 2 + 2/3y = klk (2/3y + /3 2 ) ; 
or putting /3, y — oc, /3', 
ka 2 = kl/3' 2 , 
/S' 2 + 2a / /3 / = klk (2a’¡3' + a' 2 ), 
which (with a', /3' instead of a, /3) are the very equations which belong to the cubic 
transformation ; hence a factor is {(il, l) 4 }. 
Observe that for the values in question a = 0, 8 = 0, P = /3'ai 2 , Q = a', 
(P ± Qx) 2 = x 2 (a' ± /3'x) 2 , = x 2 (P' + Q'x) 2 , if P' = cl', Q' = /3', 
and therefore 
1 — y _ 1 — x fP’ — Q'x\ 2 
1 +y 1 4- x \P' + Q'x) ’ 
which is the formula for a cubic transformation. 
19. The equations may also be satisfied by writing therein y = ka, 8 = k/3 ; in fact, 
substituting these values, they become 
k?a- = Qk-/3-, 
2k 2 oi 2 + k (2a/3 + /3 3 ) = klk 2 (a 2 -f 2a/S) + 2H&/3 2 , 
k 2 a 2 + 2k (J3 2 + 2<x/3) = 2klk 2 (a 2 + 2a/3) + klk/3 2 , 
k 2 (/3 2 + 2a/3) = HP (a 2 + 2a/3) ; 
the first and last of these are 
ka 2 = kl/3 2 , 
¡3 2 + 2a/3 = klk (a 2 + 2a/3), 
which being satisfied the second and third equations are satisfied identically; and these 
are the formulae for a cubic transformation ; that is, we again have the factor {(il, l) 4 }. 
Observe that for the values in question y = ka, 8 = k/3, we have P = a (1 + kx 2 ), 
Q = /3(l+kx 2 ); so that, writing P' = a, Q' = /3, we have for y the value 
1 — y (1 — x) (P' — Q'x) 2 
1 + y (1 + x) (P' + Q'x) 2 ’ 
which is the formula for a cubic transformation. 
20. It is important to notice that we cannot by writing a = 0 or 8 = 0 reduce the 
transformation to a quintic one; in fact, the equation Ar 3 a 2 = i!8 2 shows that if either 
of these equations is satisfied the other is also satisfied; and we have then the 
foregoing case a = 0, 8 = 0, giving not a quintic but a cubic transformation. 
And for the same reason we cannot by writing a = 0, /3=0, y = 0 or /3 = 0, y = 0, 
8 = 0 reduce the transformation to the order 1. There is thus no factor kl— 1. 
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