31. Denoting, as above, by M 0 , M u ..., M n the values which correspond to v 0 , v lt ..., v n
respectively, and writing S y = ^+ A + ...+ A, & c „ we have «I £lÿ, &c„ all of
them expressible as determinate functions of u; and we have moreover the theorem
that each of these is a rational and integral function of u: we have thus the series
of equations
s lr A > .... st=H,
where A, are rational and integral functions of u. These give linearly the
different values of in fact, we have
C% ~ v x )... (v 0 -v n )^ = H- GSv 1 + FSi\v, - ... ± Av,v 2 ...v n ,
where Sv 1} Sv } v,, &c. denote the combinations formed with the roots v u v 2 ,... ,v n (these can
be expressed in terms of the single root v 0 ) ; and we have also (v 0 — (v 0 — v n ) = F'(v n ) :
the resulting equation is consequently F'v 0 = R (u, v 0 ), R a determinate rational and
integral function of (u, v 0 ) ; but as the same formula exists for each root of the modular
equation, we may herein write M, v in place of M 0> r 0 ; and the formula thus is
F' v -^=R(u, v),
viz. we thus obtain the required value of | as a rational traction, the denominator
being the determinate function F'v, and the numerator being, as is easy to see, a
determinate function of the order n as regards v.
32. The method is applicable when M is only known by its expression in terms
of q ; but if we know for M an expression in terms of v, u, then the method trans
forms this into a standard form as above. By way of illustration I will consider the
case n — 3, where the modular equation is
v 4 + 2 vhi 3 — 2 vu — it 4 = 0,
and where a known expression of M is Here writing $_ u S 0 (= 4), S, &c.
to denote the sum of the powers — 1, 0, 1, &c. of the roots of the equation, we have
S—=S 0 +2u s S- u =0 , as appears from the values presently given,