Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

where the subscript line, showing in each case what the equation becomes on writing 
therein x = 1, serves as a verification of the numerical values. 
78. The curve I. has at the origin a dp in the nature of a fleflecnode, viz. 
the two branches are given by a~ s +4y = 0, — y 5 + 4a? = 0 respectively; and there are 
two singular points at infinity on the two axes respectively, viz. the infinite branches 
are given by — y —4a? 5 = 0, x — 4y 5 = 0 respectively. Writing the first of these in the 
form — yz 4 — 4a 5 = 0, we see that the point at infinity on the axis x = 0 (i.e. the point 
z=0, x = 0) is =6 dps; and similarly writing for the other branch xz i — 4y 5 = 0, the 
point at infinity on the axis y = 0 (i.e. the point z = 0, y = 0) is =6 dps *. 
Moreover, as remarked to me by Professor H. J. S. Smith, the curve has 8 other 
dps; viz. writing gw to denote an eighth root of —1, (gw 8 + 1=0), then a dp is x = co, 
y = eu 5 . To verify this, observe that these values give 
CO 5 
Qx 5 = + 6 
— Qy 5 = + 6 
+ 20 x?y 3 — 20 
+ 10 x*y — 10 
— 10 xy* — 10 
— 20 x 3 y 3 — 20 
+ 4 y +4 
+ 4x +4 
— 20 x?y 5 + 20 
— 20 x 5 y 4 + 20 
or the derived functions each vanish. Thus I. has in all 1 + 12 + 8, =21 dps. 
In II. we have in like manner 1+12 + 4, =17 dps; viz. instead of the 8 dps, 
we have the 4 dps x= co 2 , y = go 2 , (go 8 + 1 = 0), or, what is the same thing, x = co, 
y — —co, where go 4 + 1 = 0. But we have besides the 12 dps given by 
x 3 — y 3 + 5xy {x — y) = 0, 1 — x 3 y 3 = 0, 
viz. we have in all 1+12 + 4+12, =29 dps. 
In III. we thence have 1+12 + 2 + 6, =21 dps; and, besides, the 12 dps given by 
a? 3 + 15x 3 y + 15xy 2 + y 3 = 0, 8 — 5a? 2 + 10xy — 5y 3 + 8x 3 y 3 = 0, 
in all 1+12 + 2 + 6 + 12, = 33 dps. 
And in IY. we thence have 1 + 12 + 1 + 3 + 6, =23 dps; and, besides, the 12 dps 
given by 
a? 3 + 655x 3 y + 655xy 3 + y 3 — 640xy — 640x 3 y 3 = 0, 
- 256 + 320a? + 320y - 70a? 2 - 660xy - 10y 3 + 320^y + 320xy 3 - №§x 3 y 3 = 0, 
(these curves intersect in 16 points, 4 of them at infinity, in pairs on the lines 
a? = 0, y = 0 respectively; and the intersections at infinity being excluded, there remain 
16-4, =12 intersections); there are thus in all 1+12 + 1+3 + 6 + 12, =35 dps. 
* These results follow from the general formulte in the paper “ On the Higher Singularities of Plane 
Curves, ’ Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. t. vn. (1866), pp. 212—223, [374]; but they are at once seen to 
be true from the consideration that the curve yz*- x 5 = 0, which has only the singularity in question, is 
unicursal; the singularity is thus = 6 dps.

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