Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

viz. this is the value of the radial thickness R'S' of the shell; or, since the same 
process applies to the point R", we have 
R'S' — R"S" = m dm 1 
\/B 2 -AG 
or, calling this, as above, A dm, the value of A is = 
v B' 2 — AG 
8. The points P and Q are connected by the condition that, for every direction 
whatever of the chord R'R", we have 
PR' : PR" = QR' : QR", 
or, what is the same thing, that the line QP bisects the angle R'PR". Taking 
PR' = p, PR" = p", the condition is p : r = p" : r"; and taking (a, b, c) as the 
coordinates of the point P, we have 
p' 2 = (£ + t'cl — a) 2 + (rj + rfi — b) 2 + (£ + r'y — cf 
= a 2 + 2 r U + r 2 , 
if, for shortness, 
a 2 = (%- a) 2 + ( V ~ b) 2 + (f - c) 2 , (= QP 2 ), 
U= a(!;-a) + /3(y-b) + y(t-c); 
and similarly 
p" 2 = a 2 -2r"U+r" 2 . 
The required condition therefore is 
a 2 2 jj (t 2 2 TT 
/n H / u ,, u, 
fyv A ry* fp * fy* 
viz. this is 
+ 2 U 
(-, + 4) = 0, 
\r r ) 
2 /l_i 
a U.'2 r // 2 
so that, omitting a factor, it becomes 
<r ! (V4)+2P=°, 
\r r ) 
„ -25 
that is, 
S -+2V = 0, or V = 
which must be satisfied independently of the values of a, /3, 7. 
9. Writing, for greater convenience, ~ = —0, the equation is U = — OB, viz. 
substituting for U, B their values, this gives a+^ = 0, &c., or say,

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