Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

value is required in the case where the distance e (taken to be always positive) is 
indefinitely small in regard to the radius R. 
Writing x = r%,.., z = r%, where the « new variables £, .., £ are such that I 8 + ... + £ 2 = 1, 
the integral becomes 
where dS is the element of surface of the s-dimensional unit-sphere + ... -f £ 2 = 1; the 
Jo (r 2 + e 2 )i s+ v’ 
is the r-integral of Annex II. 
2. We now consider the prepotential-surface integral 
As already mentioned, it is only a particular case of this, the prepotential-plane integral, 
which is specially discussed; but at present I consider the general case, for the purpose 
of establishing a theorem in relation thereto. The surface («-dimensional surface) S is 
any given surface whatever. 
Let the attracted point P be situate indefinitely near to the surface, on the 
normal thereto at a point N, say the normal distance NP is = «*; and let this point 
N be taken at the centre of an indefinitely small circular («-dimensional) disk or 
segment (of the surface), the radius of which R, although indefinitely small, is in 
definitely large in comparison with the normal distance «. I proceed to determine 
the prepotential of the disk; for this purpose, transforming to new axes, the origin 
being at N and the axes of x, .., z in the tangent-plane at N, then the coordinates 
of the attracted point P will be (0, .., 0, «), and the expression for the prepotential 
of the disk will be 
where the limits are given by x 2 + ... + z 2 < R 2 . 
Suppose for a moment that the density at the point N is = p, then the density 
throughout the disk may be taken = p', and the integral becomes 
where instead of p I write p; viz. p now denotes the density at the point N. 
Making this change, then (by what precedes) the value is 
2 <r& f R r 8 1 dr 
~ P TV1A I. 
T(i«) Jo {r 2 + « 2 p+9' 
* « is positive; in afterwards writing 8=0, we mean by 0 the limit of an indefinitely small positive 

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