value is required in the case where the distance e (taken to be always positive) is
indefinitely small in regard to the radius R.
Writing x = r%,.., z = r%, where the « new variables £, .., £ are such that I 8 + ... + £ 2 = 1,
the integral becomes
where dS is the element of surface of the s-dimensional unit-sphere + ... -f £ 2 = 1; the
Jo (r 2 + e 2 )i s+ v’
is the r-integral of Annex II.
2. We now consider the prepotential-surface integral
As already mentioned, it is only a particular case of this, the prepotential-plane integral,
which is specially discussed; but at present I consider the general case, for the purpose
of establishing a theorem in relation thereto. The surface («-dimensional surface) S is
any given surface whatever.
Let the attracted point P be situate indefinitely near to the surface, on the
normal thereto at a point N, say the normal distance NP is = «*; and let this point
N be taken at the centre of an indefinitely small circular («-dimensional) disk or
segment (of the surface), the radius of which R, although indefinitely small, is in
definitely large in comparison with the normal distance «. I proceed to determine
the prepotential of the disk; for this purpose, transforming to new axes, the origin
being at N and the axes of x, .., z in the tangent-plane at N, then the coordinates
of the attracted point P will be (0, .., 0, «), and the expression for the prepotential
of the disk will be
where the limits are given by x 2 + ... + z 2 < R 2 .
Suppose for a moment that the density at the point N is = p, then the density
throughout the disk may be taken = p', and the integral becomes
where instead of p I write p; viz. p now denotes the density at the point N.
Making this change, then (by what precedes) the value is
2 <r& f R r 8 1 dr
~ P TV1A I.
T(i«) Jo {r 2 + « 2 p+9'
* « is positive; in afterwards writing 8=0, we mean by 0 the limit of an indefinitely small positive