also; but to fix the ideas we may assume that the mass is finite. And the pre
potential and its derived functions vary continuously with the position of the attracted
but here, 2^ + 1 being negative, the term 8 2 ? +1 Q does not disappear : the formula has
to be treated in the same way as for q = — and we arrive at
viz. the formula is of the same form as for the potential case q = — Observe that
the formula does not hold good in the limiting case q = — 1.
17. We have, in fact, for q = — 1, the potential of the disk
since, in the complete differential coefficient « 4- 2« log «, the term « vanishes in com
parison with 2« log «. Then, proceeding as before, we find
1 dW , 1 dW" -8<T!) S
/ _7/"h // I // J // 1 \
8'log 8' ds + 8" log 8" ¿8" r(i S -l) P;
but I have not particularly examined this formula.
18. If q be negative and > —1 (that is, — #>1), then the prepotential for the
disk is
and it would seem that, in order to obtain a result, it would be necessary to proceed
to a derived function higher than the first; but I have not examined the case.
Continuity of the Prepotential-surface Integral. Art. Nos. 19 to 25.
19. I again consider the prepotential-surface integral
in regard to a point (a,.., c, e) not on the surface; q is either positive or negative,
as afterwards mentioned.
The integral or prepotential and all its derived functions, first, second, . &c. ad
infinitum, in regard to each or all or any of the coordinates (a,.., c, e), are all finite.
This is certainly the case when the mass J p dS is finite, and possibly in other cases