[x 2 + ... + z 2 4- («
w y*\h«+ q ’
63. It has been tacitly assumed that 4- q is positive; but the formulae hold
good if + q is = 0 or negative. Suppose + q is 0 or a negative integer, then
r (^s 4- q) = oo, and the special term involving e~ 2q or e~ 2q log e vanishes; in fact, in
this case the r-integral is
+ dr,
where (r 2 4- e 2 )~& s+q) has for its value a finite series, and the integral is therefore equal
to a finite series A 4- Be 2 + Ce 4 + &c. If 4- q be fractional, then the T of the negative
quantity + q must be understood as above, or, what is the same thing, we may,
instead of F (-|s 4- q), write
(Eli! .
sin (%s + q) 7r T (1 — q — |s) ’
thus, q being integral, the exceptional term is
- (-\q P -nrjssin(jg + g)Tr.r(l-g-fo) , R
K ’ (H) 2 r (1 - q) g « •
For instance, s = 1, q = —2, the term is
sin (— f
7r) Ti ,
or, since r| = |.^r^, and T3 = 2, the term is +fe 4 log—, agreeing with a preceding
Annex III. Prepotentials of Uniform Spherical Shell and Solid Sphere.
Art. Nos. 64 to 92.
64. The prepotentials in question depend ultimately upon two integrals, which
also arise, as will presently appear, from prepotential problems in two-dimensional space,
and which are for convenience termed the ring-integral and the disk-integral respect
ively. The analytical investigation in regard to these, depending as it does on a
transformation of a function allied with the hypergeometric series, is I think interesting.
This is
Consider first the prepotential of a uniform (s 4-1 )-dimensional spherical shell.
{(a — x) 2 +... 4 (c — z) 2 + (e — w) 2 \^ +q ’
the equation of the surface being x 2 4- ... + z 2 4 w 2 —f 2 ; and there are the two cases
of an internal point, a? + ... 4- c 2 4- e 2 <f 2 , and an external point, a 2 + ...+c 2 +e 2 > f 2 .
The value is a function of a 2 + ... + c 2 + e 2 , say this is = k 2 . Taking the axes so
that the coordinates of the attracted point are (0, 0, k), the integral is