Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

function under the integral sign is to be replaced by zero whenever the values u, t 
CV^ c 2 6 2 
are such that u is less than - + ... 4- -y-—- + - , viz. when the values belong to a 
/ 2 +1 hr+ t t 
V = 
point in the shaded portion of the strip; the integral is therefore to be extended 
only over the unshaded portion of the strip; viz. the value is 
r<-g) rfe + g)// du dt ■ r4 "' f (i + - / ' 1) - • ■ (t + (“ -fTt - ■'" - WTi-1) q 1 *"> 
the double integral being taken over the unshaded portion of the strip; or, what is the 
qq2 g2 
same thing, the integral in regard to u is to be taken from u —— + ... + ATT , + 7 
T Z ¡1 “7” z z 
(say from u = a) to u — 1, and then the integral in regard to t is to be taken from 
t — 6 to t= oo, where, as before, 6 is the positive root of the equation cr = 1, that 
„ a 2 c 2 e 2 n 
1B ’ oi /iT0 + - + h?+0 + e~ 1 - 
162. Write u = a + (1 — a) x, and therefore u — <r = (1 — cr) x, 1 — u = (1 — cr) (1 — x) 
and du = (l — cr)dx; then the limits (1, 0) of x correspond to the limits (1, a) of u, 
and the formula becomes 
V = r !-w//r--v f dt.t-y- 1 {(i + / 2 ).. .{t + -<r)“9 _1 I dx. x-v- 1 (f) [<r + (1 — a) x], 
1 (- <?) i (£ s + q)J e • o 
, q2 q2 
where a is retained in place of its value + • • • + + j • This is, in fact, a 
form (deduced from Boole’s result in the memoir of 1846) given by me, Cambridge 
and Dublin Mathematical Journal, vol. II. (1847), p. 219, [44]. 
If in particular <f)U = (1 — u) q+m , then (/> [a + (1 — cr) x) = (1 — cr) q+m (1 — x) q+m , and 
I* 1 x~ q ~ l {<f)tr + (1 -a) x) dx = (\- a) m f x- q -' (1 - x) q+m dx, 
_ r (— g )r(l+ g + m) _ 
T (1 + m) y } 
and then, restoring for cr its value, we have 
f - fK 1 ) (f - h) S? Ltrq ~'v p +t 
as the value of the integral

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