In the second case, that is, when the intercalations are contrary, they counteract
each other in forming the intercalation of the circuit : it is the difference of the
numbers of letters, or twice the difference of the indices, which is evenly even, and
the half of this, or the difference of the indices, which is the index of the circuit :
one intercalation is (+ P — Q), and the other is (— P + Q) : and the circuit will agree
with that which has the larger index.
In particular if the circuit consist of a single unclosed trajectory, taken forwards
and backwards; then the trajectory taken one way is (+P — Q), taken the other way
it is (— P + Q) ; the number of terms is of course equal, and the circuit is (PQ) 0 .
16. Consider now two circuits ABC A and AGDA, having a common portion CA,
or, more accurately, the common portions AC and CA : write down in order the inter
calations of
the two mean terms destroy each other, and we can hence deduce the intercalation
of the entire circuit ABC DA.
Suppose first, that ABC and CDA are similar ; then if CA is similar to ABC
it is also similar to CDA, that is, AC is contrary to CDA : and so if CA is contrary
to ABC, then AC is similar to CDA.
To fix the ideas suppose CA similar to ABC, but AC contrary to CDA, then
ABCA is similar to CA ; but ACDA will be similar or contrary to AC, that is, contrary
or similar to CA, that is, to ABC A, according as index of A C > or < index of CDA.
Suppose Ind. AC < Ind. CDA, then ACDA is similar to ABC A.
Now Ind. ABCDA = Ind. ABC Ind. CDA,
Ind. ABCA = Ind. ABC + Ind. AC,
Ind. A CDA = Ind. CDA - Ind. A C,
and thence
Ind. ABCDA = Ind. ABCA + Ind. ACDA,
the whole circuit being in this case similar to each of the component ones.
But if Ind. .4(7 > Ind. CDA, then ACDA is contrary to ABCA.
And Ind. ABCDA = Ind. ABC + Ind. CDA,
Ind. ABCA = Ind. ABC + Ind. CA,
Ind. ACDA = - Ind. CDA + Ind. AC,
and thence
Ind. ABCDA = Ind. ABCA - Ind. ACDA ;
and the investigation is like hereto if CA is contrary to ABC but AC similar to CDA.
17. Secondly, if ABC and CDA are contrary, then if CA is similar to ABC it is
contrary to CDA, that is, AC is similar to CDA ; and so if CA is contrary to ABC
it is similar to CDA, that is, AC is contrary to CDA.
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