2 7
Suppose CA similar to ABC, and AC similar to CD A ; then ABC A is also
similar to ABC, and AC DA similar to CD A ; viz. ABC, CA and ABC A are similar
to each other, and contrary to AC, CD A, ACDA which are also similar to each other.
Ind. ABCDA = Ind. ABC ~ Ind. CD A,
Ind. ABC A = Ind. ABC + Ind. CA,
Ind. ACDA = Ind. CD A + Ind. AC,
according as the component circuits are similar or contrary, and in the latter case
the entire circuit is similar to that which has the largest index.
Moreover, any circuit whatever can be broken up into two smaller circuits, and
these again continually into smaller circuits until we arrive at the before-mentioned
elementary circuits, and the theorem as to the number of roots within a circuit is
true as regards these elementary circuits; wherefore the theorem is true as regards
any circuit whatever.
19. In the case where a trajectory is a finite right line, y is a given linear
function of x, or the coordinates x, y can if we please be expressed as linear functions
of a parameter u, so that as the describing point passes along the line, u varies
between given limits, say from u— 0 to u= 1. The functions P, Q thus become given
rational and integral functions of a single variable u (or it may be x or y), and the
question of the P- and Q _se( l uence and intercalation relates merely to the order of
succession of the roots of the equations P = 0, Q = 0, where P and Q denote functions
of a single variable as above. To fix the ideas, let the trajectory be a line parallel
to the axis of x; and in this case taking x as the parameter, and supposing that
y 0 is the given value of y, P and Q are the functions of x obtained by writing y 0
for y in the original expressions of these functions. Of course the theory will be precisely
the same for a line parallel to the axis of y: and by combining two lines parallel
to each axis we have the case of a rectangular circuit. We require, for each side of
the rectangle considered according to its proper currency, the intercalation PQ, QP, PQP
or QPQ as the case may be, and also the sign + or — of the initial letter of the
first intercalation; for then writing down the intercalations in order, with the signs for
the several letters, + and — alternately (the first sign being + or — as the case may
be), we have or deduce the intercalation of the circuit, and thus obtain the value of
the difference of the numbers of the included right- and left-handed roots. We thus
see how the whole theory depends on the case where the trajectory is a right line.