trinodal sextic; viz. in the Three-Bar Curve the two fixed points are foci, and they
determine a third focus * ; and the condition is that the nodes are situate on the circle
through the 3 foci.
The nodes are two of them arbitrary points on the circle; and the third of them
is a point such that, measuring the distances along the circle from any fixed point
of the circumference, the sum of the distances of the nodes is equal to the sum of
the distances of the foci. Considering the two fixed points as given, the curve
depends upon five parameters, viz. the lengths of the connecting bars and the sides of
the triangle. Taking the form of the triangle as given, there are then only three
parameters, say the lengths of the connecting bars and the base of the triangle; in
this case the third focus is determined, and therefore the circle through the three
foci; we may then take two of the nodes as given points on this circle, and thereby
establish two relations between the three parameters, in fact, we thereby determine
the differences of the squares of the lengths in question : but the third node is then
an absolutely determined point on the circle, and we cannot make use of it for com
pleting the determination of the parameters ; viz. one parameter remains arbitrary. Or,
what is the same thing, given the three foci and also the three nodes, consistently
with the foregoing conditions, viz. the nodes lie in the centre through the three foci,
the sum of the distances of the nodes being equal to the sum of the distances of
the foci: we have a singly infinite series of three-bar curves.
In reference to the notation proper for the theorem of the triple generation, I
shall, when only a single node of generation is attended to, take the curve to be
generated as shown in the annexed Figure 1; viz. 0 is the generating point, OC l B 1
the triangle, G, B the fixed points, GG 1 and BB 1 the radial bars. The sides of the
Fig. l.
triangle are a x , b 1} c x ; its angles are 0, = A, B l} —B, G lt = G: the bars CC 1 and BB X
are =a 2 and a 3 respectively, and the distance CB is = a. The sides a lt b x , c x may be
put = hi (sin A, sin B, sin G), and the lines a lf a. 2 , a s =(k lf k.,, & 3 ) sin A, viz. the original
data a 1? b ly c 1} a 1} a.,, a 3 , may be replaced by the angles A, B, G (A + B + C = tt) and
the lines k ly k 2 , k s . And it is convenient to mention at once that the third focus
A is then a point such that ABC is a triangle similar and congruent to 0B 1 G 1 .
* A focus is a point, given as the intersection of a tangent to the curve from one circular point at infinity
with a tangent from the other circular point at infinity; if the circular points are simple or multiple points on
the curve, then the tangent or tangents at a circular point should be excluded from the tangents from the
point; and the intersection of two such tangents at the two circular points respectively is not an ordinary
focus; but, as the points in question are the only kind of foci occurring in the present paper, I have in the
text called them foci.