Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

and, adding for greater distinctness the next following cases, 
12345 = 1.2345 + 2.3451 + 3.4512 + 4.5123 + 5.1234, 
123456 = 12.3456 + 13.4561 + 14.5612 + 15.6123 + 16.2345, 
where of course 2345, &c., have the significations mentioned above. 
Dependency of Functions. Art. Nos. 7 and 8. 
7. Two or more functions of the same variables may be independent, or else 
dependent or connected; viz. in the latter case any one of the functions is a function 
of the others a = a (sc), b = b (sc), the functions a, b are dependent, but if 
a=a(x, y), b = b(sc, y), 
then the condition of dependency is 
d(a, b) 
= 0, 
d(x, y) 
and, similarly, if a=a(x, y, z), b = b(x, y, z), then the conditions of dependency are 
d (a, b) 
d (x, y, z) 
= 0, 
viz. if the equations thus represented are all of them satisfied, the functions are 
dependent, but if not, then they are independent. 
Observe that, when a=a(x, y, z), b = b(x, y, z) as above, if we choose to attend 
only to the variables x, y, treating z as a mere constant, there is then a single condition 
d(a, b) 
of dependency ^ = 0, and so if we attend only to the variable x, treating y, z as 
mere constants, then a and b are dependent. Thus when a = x, b = x 2 + y, the functions 
a, b are independent if we attend to both the variables x, y\ dependent if y be 
regarded as a constant. 
8. Further when a — a(x, y), b = b(x, y), c = c(x, y), the functions a, b, c are 
dependent; but when a = a (x, y, z), b = b (x, y, z), c = c (x, y, z), the condition of depen 
dency is 
d (a, b, c) 
d(x, y, z) 
= 0: 
and so when a = a(x, y, z, w), b = b (x, y, z, w), c = c (x, y, z, w), the conditions of 
dependency are 
d(a, b, c) 
d (x, y, z, w) 
= 0; 
viz. if all the equations thus represented are satisfied, the functions are dependent; 
but if not, then they are independent. And so in other cases. 
c. x. 13 

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