that very simply, the actual expressions for the constant factors; and so we can enunciate
the theorem as follows; the squares of the sixteen double ^--functions are proportional
to sixteen functions — {a}, + {ab}; where, in a notation about to be explained,
{a} = Va [a], {a&} = fab [aft].
Here in the radical fa, a is to be considered as standing in the first place for the
pentad bcdef, which is to be interpreted as a product of differences,
= bc .bd .be. bf. cd .ce . cf. de . df. ef,
(where be, bd, etc., denote the differences b — c, b — d, etc.). Similarly, in the radical
Vab, ab is to be considered as standing in the first instance for the double triad abf. ede,
which is to be interpreted as a product of differences, = ab.af .bf.cd.ce.de, (where ab, af
etc., denote the differences a — b, a—f, etc.).
It is convenient to consider a, b, c, d, e, f as denoting real magnitudes taken in
decreasing order: in all the products bcdef, etc., and in each term abf or ede of a
product abf. ede, the letters are to be written in alphabetical order; the differences
be, bd, etc., ab, af etc., which present themselves in the several products, are thus all of
them positive; and the radicals, being all of them the roots of positive quantities, may
themselves be taken to be positive.
We have to consider the values of the functions [a], [crf>], or {a}, [ab], in the case
where the variables x, x' become equal to any two of the letters a, b, c, d, e, f; it is
clearly the same thing whether we have for instance x — b, x' = c, or x — c, x = b, etc.:
we have therefore to consider for x, x the fifteen values ab, ac, ..., af ..., ef\ there is
besides a sixteenth set of values x, x each infinite, without any relation between the
infinite values.
Taking this case first, x, x each infinite, and in [a&], etc., the sign ± to be +, we
or, attending only to the ratios of these values,
4#?^ CC ^ 11*
where rr is infinite, and the values may finally be written
[a] = 0, [ab] = 1 ;
whence also, for x, x infinite,
(a} = 0, {ab}=fab,
the radical fab being understood as before.
Suppose next that x, x denote any two of the letters, for instance a, b; then two of
the functions [a] vanish, viz. these are [a], [6], but the remaining four functions acquire
determinate values; and moreover four of the functions [a&] vanish, viz. these are
[ab], [erf], [ce], [de], for each of which the xx' letters a, b occur in the same triad (the