Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

that very simply, the actual expressions for the constant factors; and so we can enunciate 
the theorem as follows; the squares of the sixteen double ^--functions are proportional 
to sixteen functions — {a}, + {ab}; where, in a notation about to be explained, 
{a} = Va [a], {a&} = fab [aft]. 
Here in the radical fa, a is to be considered as standing in the first place for the 
pentad bcdef, which is to be interpreted as a product of differences, 
= bc .bd .be. bf. cd .ce . cf. de . df. ef, 
(where be, bd, etc., denote the differences b — c, b — d, etc.). Similarly, in the radical 
Vab, ab is to be considered as standing in the first instance for the double triad abf. ede, 
which is to be interpreted as a product of differences, = ab.af .bf.cd.ce.de, (where ab, af 
etc., denote the differences a — b, a—f, etc.). 
It is convenient to consider a, b, c, d, e, f as denoting real magnitudes taken in 
decreasing order: in all the products bcdef, etc., and in each term abf or ede of a 
product abf. ede, the letters are to be written in alphabetical order; the differences 
be, bd, etc., ab, af etc., which present themselves in the several products, are thus all of 
them positive; and the radicals, being all of them the roots of positive quantities, may 
themselves be taken to be positive. 
We have to consider the values of the functions [a], [crf>], or {a}, [ab], in the case 
where the variables x, x' become equal to any two of the letters a, b, c, d, e, f; it is 
clearly the same thing whether we have for instance x — b, x' = c, or x — c, x = b, etc.: 
we have therefore to consider for x, x the fifteen values ab, ac, ..., af ..., ef\ there is 
besides a sixteenth set of values x, x each infinite, without any relation between the 
infinite values. 
Taking this case first, x, x each infinite, and in [a&], etc., the sign ± to be +, we 
or, attending only to the ratios of these values, 
4#?^ CC ^ 11* 
where rr is infinite, and the values may finally be written 
[a] = 0, [ab] = 1 ; 
whence also, for x, x infinite, 
(a} = 0, {ab}=fab, 
the radical fab being understood as before. 
Suppose next that x, x denote any two of the letters, for instance a, b; then two of 
the functions [a] vanish, viz. these are [a], [6], but the remaining four functions acquire 
determinate values; and moreover four of the functions [a&] vanish, viz. these are 
[ab], [erf], [ce], [de], for each of which the xx' letters a, b occur in the same triad (the

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