Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

and these are all included in the equations (10), (4), (12), (15), (6), which serve to 
express G, B, E, F, I in terms of D, H, G, A, J, i.e. ac, ce, eb, bd, da in terms of 
ab, be, cd, de, ea, if for the moment we write G = ac, etc. But the five linear relations 
in question are, it is at once seen, satisfied by A, B, J considered as given functions 
of a, /3, y, 8. 
The equation VAJ ± VBF ± VCG = 0, substituting for A, B,...,J their values in 
terms of a, b, c, d, e, f becomes 
Vabc. def. aef. bed, + Vabf. ede. ace. bdf + Vabe. cdf. acf. bde = 0, 
which (omitting common factors) becomes Vbe-. ef - ±*Jbf ' 2 . ce~ ± Vbe 1 . cf- = 0 ; or, taking 
the proper signs, this is the identity be . ef+ be .fc 4- bf. ce = 0. 
It is to be noticed that 
8- + a 2 - /3 2 - 7 2 , 2 (a/3 - 78), 2 (7a + ¡38), 
2 (a/3 + 78), 8' 2 + /3 2 — 7 2 - a 2 , 2 Q3y — a8), 
2 (7a — /38), 2 (Py + ag), 8- + 7 2 — a 2 — /3 2 , 
each divided by 8 2 + a 2 + /3 2 + y 2 , form a system of coefficients in the transformation 
between two sets of rectangular coordinates. We have therefore 
\/ab, \/ad, Vce, 
'dbe, ^ de, \/ac, 
V be, V cd, V ae, 
each divided by \fbd, and the several terms taken with proper signs, as a system of 
coefficients in the transformation between two sets of rectangular axes: a result which 
seems to be the same as that obtained by Hesse in the Memoir, “ Transformations- 
Formeln fur rechtwinklige Raum-Coordinaten ”; Grelle, t. lxiii. (1864), pp. 247—251. 
The composition of the last mentioned system of functions is better seen by writing 
them under the fuller form ^labf.cde, etc.; viz. omitting the radical signs, the terms are 
abf. ede, adf. bee, abd. cef, 
bef. acd, def. abc, acf. bde, 
bef. ade, cdf. abe, aef. bed, 
each divided by bdf .ace; or, in an easily understood algorithm, the terms are 
bf.d df.b bd.f 
bf. d df. b bd .f 
bf.d df.b bd.f 
bf. d df. b bd .f 
each divided by bdf. ace. 
C. X. 

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