Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

To adapt the formulae to elliptic integrals, and ordinary H and 0 functions, the 
radical must be brought to the form Vx. I — x. 1 — k 2 x. Writing for this purpose 
a, b, c, d = — k 2 P, 0, 1, y,, (/ = oo ), 
substituting also ~y for u, and ikl.A, iB 1 as usual) for A, B respectively, 
we find \fa — x .b — x.c — x .d — x = I s/ x . \ — x .1 — k 2 x; and then 
2du = 
x. 1 — x . 1 — k 2 x 
A = Cl, B = Cl \/x, G=VL\/\.-x, D = l-k 2 x. 
fi is in this case = A, a ^-function: and in the equation for Ail, writing A in 
place of il, the equation becomes 
A d 2 A - (dAf = $ A“- {- 2x- + x(- k 2 P) + K ] , 
viz. replacing by a new constant, = X suppose and finally putting I — oo, this is 
A d'A - id A ) 2 = A-(X - fr-x) (duf. 
The differential equation is satisfied by x = sn‘ 2 w, giving 1 — x = cv?u, l —k 2 x — dn 2 w; 
and the equation for A then is 
d~ log A = (X — № sn 2 w) (du)' 2 , 
or say 
. -r hMfi - lc 2 du du sn 2 M 
A=Le J o J o , 
viz. by properly assuming the constants L, X, we shall have A= Jacobi’s function : 
B C kD 
and then snw = -j, cnu = -^, dnu= , which will give the ordinary expressions of 
sn, cn, dn in terms of If, ©.

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