I propose to complete the analytical theory by establishing the monomial equations
A A' = Mdco = M l d(t) 1 , &c., and the relations between the parameters co, cox, co 2 , co s which
belong to an inscribed quadrilateral A BCD, so as to show what the process really is
by which we pass from the monomial form to a quadrinomial form
AA (or dS) = Ndco -(- Nxdwx -H N 2 dco 2 q- N 3 dco 3 ,
wherein each term is separately expressible as the differential of an elliptic integral;
and further to develop the theory of the transformation to elliptic integrals. We
require to establish for these purposes the fundamental formulae in the theory of the
bicircular quartic.
I remark that in the various formulae f, g, 6, 0 X , 0 2 , 0 3 are constants which enter
only in the combinations f+ d, f— g, 0 X — 6, 0 2 — 0, 0 3 — 0: that X, Y are taken as
current coordinates, and these letters, or the same letters with suffixes, are taken as
coordinates of a point or points on the bicircular quartic: and that the letters (x, y),
( x \, yd), (%2, yd), yd) are used throughout as variable parameters, viz. we have
(f+0)x> +(g + 0)y 2 =1,;
(f+ 0d) Xx 2 + (g + 0d) yd = 1,
(/+ 0d) x? + (g + 0 2 ) yd = 1,
(/+ 0 S ) + (g + 0 a ) yd = 1;
so that x, y = > J^ 1P , are functions of a single parameter co, and similarly
(xx, yd), {oc2, yd), (oc->, yd) are functions of the parameters &) 1; co 2 , co 3 respectively. We
sometimes use these or similar expressions of (x, y), &c., as trigonometrical functions
of a single parameter; but we more frequently retain the pair of quantities, considered
as connected by an equation as above and so as equivalent to a single variable
Formulae for the fourfold generation of the Bicircular Quartic. Art. Nos. 1 to 5.
1. We have four systems of a dirigent conic and circle of inversion, each giving
rise to the same bicircular quartic: viz. the bicircular quartic is the envelope of a
generating circle, having its centre on a dirigent conic, and cutting at right angles
the corresponding circle of inversion; or, what is the same thing, it is the locus of
the extremities of a chord of the generating circle, which chord passes through the
centre of the circle of inversion, and cuts at right angles the tangent (at the centre
of the generating circle) to the dirigent conic; the two extremities of the chord are
thus inverse points in regard to the circle of inversion. The four systems are
represented by letters without suffixes, or with the suffixes 1, 2, 3 respectively; and
we say that the system, or mode of generation, is 0, 1, 2, or 3 accordingly.
2. The dirigent conics are confocal, and their squared semiaxes may therefore be
represented by f+0, g + 0: f+0x, g + 01- f+02, d + f+03, 9 + 03, (which are, in