Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

the exterior oval came out too large. The annexed figure shows 0, 1, 2, 3, the 
centres of the circles of inversion, the interior oval, and a portion of the exterior 
oval, also the origin and axes; it will be seen that the centres 0, 2 lie inside the 
interior oval, the centres 1, 3 outside the exterior oval: I add further the values 
Vf+ 03 = 6-93, V-(g + e 3 ) = 2-45, a a = 1018, & = - *98, 
V/+ 0, = 7-48, Vg + 0 1 
= 1-41, a 1 = 8-73, &= + 2-9 4, 
V/+ <9o = 7-75, Jg + 0 o 
vT+^“ = 8-94, 
= 2-45, a„= 815, /3 0 = + ‘98, 
= 5-09, a 2 = 610, & = + -23. 
We thus see how there exists a series of quadrilaterals ABGD, where A, B are 
situate on the interior oval, C, D on the exterior oval. Considering the sides as

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