Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

Numbering the conditions 1, 2, 3according to the places to which they relate, 
a single condition is called [1] ; two conditions are called [2] or [1, 1], according as 
the numbers are consecutive or non-consecutive : three conditions are called [3], [2, 1], 
or [1, 1, 1], according as the numbers are all three consecutive, two consecutive and 
one not consecutive, or all non-consecutive ; and so on : the numbers which refer to 
the conditions being always written in their natural order, and it being understood 
that they follow each other cyclically, so that 1 is consecutive to n. Thus, n = 6, the 
set 126 of conditions is [3], as consisting of 3 consecutive conditions; and similarly 
1346 is [2, 2]. 
Consider a single condition [1], say this is 1 ; the arrangements which fail in 
regard to this condition are those which contain in the first place a or b ; whichever 
it be, the other n — 1 letters may be arranged in any form whatever ; and there are 
thus 211 (n — 1) failing arrangements. 
Next for two conditions; these may be [2], say the conditions are 1 and 2: or 
else [1> 1], say they are 1 and 3. In the former case, the arrangements which fail 
are those which contain in the first and second places ab, ac, or be : and for each of 
these, the other n — 2 letters may be arranged in any order whatever ; there are thus 
311 (n — 2) failing arrangements. In the latter case, the failing arrangements have in 
the first place a or b, and in the third place c or d,—viz. the letters in these two 
places are a.c, a. d,b.c, or b.d, and in each case the other n— 2 letters may be arranged 
in any order whatever : the number of failing arrangements is thus = 2.2. II (n — 2). 
And so, in general, when the conditions are [a, ¡3, y,...], the number of failing arrange 
ments is 
= (a+ l)(/3 + l) (7 + 1).. .11 (w — a — /3 — y...). 
But for [w], that is, for the entire system of the n conditions, the number of failing 
arrangements is (not as by the rule it should be = n +1, but) = 2,—viz. the only 
arrangements which fail in regard to each of the n conditions are (as is at once 
seen), cibc...jk, and bc...jka. 
Changing now the notation so that [1], [2], [1, 1], &c., shall denote the number 
of the conditions [1], [2], [1, 1], &c., respectively, it is easy to see the form of the 
general result. If, for greater clearness, we write n — 6, we have 
1 -2(1) +2(12) 
No. = 720- {([1]= 6)2} 120+ f ([2] =6)3 
(+([1, 1] = 9) 2.2 
- 2(123) 
24- j' ([3] =6)4 
+ ([2,1] =12) 3.2 
+ ([1,1,1]= 2)2.2.2 
+ 2(1234) 
+ ( ([4] 
+ ([3, 1] 
+ ([2, 2] 
= 6) 5 
= 6)4. 
= 3)3. 
- 2(12345) 
-{([5] = 6)6}1 
+ {([6] = 1)2}; 

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