Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

But for the purpose of calculation it is best to integrate by a series the differential 
equation for Q: assuming 
Q = - q#? - q^ - q 5 af - ..., 
we find 
We have thus for q 3 , q 4 , q- 0 , ... the values 1, 2, 14, 82, 593, 4820, ..., and thence 
u = (1 — a? 2 ) (1 + 2x + 14a? 2 + 82x 3 + 593X 4 + 4820a; 5 + ...), 
viz. writing 
the values of u 3 , u i} ... are 1, 2, 13, 80, 579, 4738,..., 
agreeing with the results found above. 
In the more simple problem, where the arrangements of the n things are such 
that no one of them occupies its original place, if u n be the number of arrangements, we 
u 2 = 1 =1, 
u 3 — 2 u 2 = 2, 
w 4 =3 (u 3 + u 2 ) = 9, 
u B =4 (u 4 + u 3 ) = 44, 
and writing 
we find 
that is, 
or, what is the same thing, 
u n +i — ^ (^n 4" u n —i), 
U = U 2 + U& + U 4 X 2 + ..., 
u = 1 + (2a? + 3a? 2 ) u + (a? 2 + a? 3 ) u ; 
(_ i + 2x + 3a? 2 ) u + (a? 2 + a? 3 ) u' = - 1, 
,/31) 1 
U + \x~x*) U - a? 2 (l + a?) ’ 
But the calculation is most easily performed by means of the foregoing equation of 
differences, itself obtained from the differential equation written in the foregoing form, 
(- 1 + 2x + 3a? 2 ) u + (a? 2 + a? 3 ) u' = — 1. 

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