Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

Imagine now that we have on the line II a point Q, having with P a (1, 1) 
correspondence of a given nature: to fix the ideas, suppose P, Q are harmonics in 
regard to a given conic: since on each of the lines II there are k positions of P, 
there are also on the line k positions of Q, and the locus of these k points Q is a 
curve V, say of the order m'. 
The point P on the curve U and the point Q on the curve V have a (1, 1) 
correspondence. For, consider P as given: there is a single position of the line II 
intersecting V in m' points, but obviously only one of these is the point Q. And 
consider Q as given: then through Q we have say ¡x tangents of the curve W; each 
of these tangents intersects the curve U in m points, k of which are points P, but 
for a tangent taken at random no one of these is the correspondent of Q; it is, in 
general, only one of the ¡x tangents which has upon it k points P, one of them 
being the point corresponding to Q; that is, to a given position of Q there corresponds 
a single position of P; and the correspondence of the points (P, Q) is thus a (1, 1) 
We have thus the point P on the curve U and the point Q on the curve V, 
which points have with each other a (1, 1) correspondence ; and the line II is the 
line PQ joining these points; this intersects the consecutive line in a point R; and 
the locus of R is the curve W. To a given position of P there corresponds a single 
line II, and therefore a single position of R; but to a given position of R there 
correspond k positions of P, viz. drawing at R the tangent to the curve W, this is 
a line II having upon it k points P, or the correspondence of (P, Q) is, as stated, 
a (k, 1) correspondence. 
The foregoing considerations were suggested to me by the theory of parallel 
curves. Take a curve parallel to a given curve, for example, the ellipse; this is a 
curve of the order 8, such that every normal thereto is a normal at two distinct 
points; and the curve has as its evolute the evolute of the ellipse, or, more 
accurately, the evolute of the ellipse taken twice; but, attending only to the evolute 
taken once, each tangent of the evolute is a normal of the parallel curve at two 
distinct points thereof, and the points of the parallel curve have with those of the 
evolute not a (1, 1) but a (2, 1) correspondence.

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