Imagine now that we have on the line II a point Q, having with P a (1, 1)
correspondence of a given nature: to fix the ideas, suppose P, Q are harmonics in
regard to a given conic: since on each of the lines II there are k positions of P,
there are also on the line k positions of Q, and the locus of these k points Q is a
curve V, say of the order m'.
The point P on the curve U and the point Q on the curve V have a (1, 1)
correspondence. For, consider P as given: there is a single position of the line II
intersecting V in m' points, but obviously only one of these is the point Q. And
consider Q as given: then through Q we have say ¡x tangents of the curve W; each
of these tangents intersects the curve U in m points, k of which are points P, but
for a tangent taken at random no one of these is the correspondent of Q; it is, in
general, only one of the ¡x tangents which has upon it k points P, one of them
being the point corresponding to Q; that is, to a given position of Q there corresponds
a single position of P; and the correspondence of the points (P, Q) is thus a (1, 1)
We have thus the point P on the curve U and the point Q on the curve V,
which points have with each other a (1, 1) correspondence ; and the line II is the
line PQ joining these points; this intersects the consecutive line in a point R; and
the locus of R is the curve W. To a given position of P there corresponds a single
line II, and therefore a single position of R; but to a given position of R there
correspond k positions of P, viz. drawing at R the tangent to the curve W, this is
a line II having upon it k points P, or the correspondence of (P, Q) is, as stated,
a (k, 1) correspondence.
The foregoing considerations were suggested to me by the theory of parallel
curves. Take a curve parallel to a given curve, for example, the ellipse; this is a
curve of the order 8, such that every normal thereto is a normal at two distinct
points; and the curve has as its evolute the evolute of the ellipse, or, more
accurately, the evolute of the ellipse taken twice; but, attending only to the evolute
taken once, each tangent of the evolute is a normal of the parallel curve at two
distinct points thereof, and the points of the parallel curve have with those of the
evolute not a (1, 1) but a (2, 1) correspondence.