S OF [636
i + ~ i sin 2a, where
In particular, taking c x = c, the intersections are given by 0 — rir + /3, where /3 is
any root of the equation 2/3 — sin 2/3=0; viz. we have thus an infinite number of
intersections lying on each of the lines y = cos rir cos /3. If /3 = 0, the intersections lie
on the two lines y — 1, y = — 1 respectively; if /3 be an imaginary root of the
equation 2/3 — sin 2/8 = 0, then they lie on the imaginary lines y = cos rir cos /3. But by
1 = a; and, taking the
in general satisfied;
the parameter 6. If,
iy rir, then the last-
le given point of the
er; these values are
y be equal, viz. this
± 1, x = c + ^rir), and
are on each of the
what precedes, it is clear that in the former case the intersections are nothing else
than the cusps on the lines y = 1, y = — 1; and in the latter case nothing else than
the nodes on the lines y = cos m cos /3; viz. there is no proper envelope, but instead
thereof we have lines of cusps and of nodes.
Ex. 4.
(1 — y 2 )p 2 — (1 — x 2 ) = 0,
that is,
(1 — y 2 ) dy 2 — (1 — x 2 ) dx 2 = 0.
I have not examined this; the curve is the series of orthogonal trajectories of
the conics of Example 2, and the integral equation may be represented by y = cos 0,
x = cos </>, where c = (29 — sin 26) — (2cf> — sin 2</>),
nation 2/3 — sin 2/3 = 0,
Equating to zero the discriminant of the differential equation, we have (1— y 2 ) (1 — x 2 )=0,
viz. the four lines x = 1, x = — 1, y = 1, y = — 1; this is not an envelope, but a locus
of cusps.
s a and 2rv — a of
two lines y — + 1,
ition 2/3 — sin 2/3 = 0,
y = cos T7T cos /3; and
different imaginary
, we cannot directly
minant in regard to
curve by the con-
and thus determine
c, c x , and let 6, 0 X
tersection; we have
+ 6, but we cannot
to any given value
iy root of the equa-