by means of which the two-line-characteristic is at once found when the duad or
triad is given.
The new algorithm renders unnecessary the Table I. of Weber’s memoir “Theorie
der Abel’schen Functionen vom Geschlecht 3” (Berlin, 1876). In fact, the system of
six pairs corresponding to an odd characteristic such as 12 is
13.23, 14.24, 15.25, 16.26, 17.27, 18.28,
and that corresponding to an even characteristic such as 123 (= 1238.4567) is
12.38, 13.28, 18.23, 45.67, 46.57, 47.56:
so that all the (28 + 35 =) 63 systems can be at once formed.
The odd characteristics correspond to the bitangents of a quartic curve, and as
regards these bitangents the notation is, in fact, the notation arising out of Hesse’s
investigations and explained Salmon’s Higher Plane Curves (2nd Ed. 1873), pp. 222—225.
It may be noticed that the geometrical symbols corresponding to the before-mentioned
two systems are:
Hence, selecting out of the first system any two pairs, we have a symbol □ : but
selecting out of the second system any two pairs, we have a symbol which is either
□ or ||||; so that in each case (Salmon, p. 224) the four bitangents are such that
the eight points of contact lie on a conic.
The 28 bitangents of the general quartic curve
V + V x.£ 2 + V x 3 ^ 3 = 0,
represented by the equations given by Weber, l.c., pp. 100, 101, and taken in the order
in which they are there written down, have for their duad-characteristics
18, 28, 38, 23, 13, 12, 48, 14, 58, 15, 68, 16, 78, 17, 24, 34, 25, 35,
26, 36, 27, 37, 67, 57, 56, 45, 46, 47
respectively. Taking out of any one of the 63 systems three pairs of bitangents at
pleasure, these give rise to an equation of the curve of a form such as
V x£x + V + V X.£ z = 0,