Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

ways the remaining three points of the cubic hexad: or what is the same thing, 
there are 28 systems of cubics touching in a conic hexad, and 36 systems of cubics 
touching in a cubic hexad. The condition in order that four points of the quartic 
curve may belong to a hexad (conic or cubic) is given by an equation 0 = 0, where 
O is a determinant the four lines of which are algebraical functions of the coordinates 
of the four points respectively: but the form of such determinant is different according 
as the condition belongs to a conic hexad, or to a cubic hexad: we have thus 28 
conic determinants and 36 cubic determinants, O; and the 64 ^-functions are pro 
portional to constant multiples of these determinants; viz. the odd functions correspond 
to the conic determinants, and the even functions to the cubic determinants. 
First, as to the conic hexads: the points of a conic hexad lie in a conic with 
the two points of contact of some one of the bitangents of the quartic curve: so 
that, given any three points of the hexad, these together with the two points of 
contact of the bitangent determine a conic which meets the quartic in the remaining 
three points of the hexad. Suppose that a, 6, c, f g, h are linear functions of the 
coordinates such that the equation of the quartic curve is 
V«/ + \/bg 4- (ch = 0 ; 
then a = 0, 6 = 0, c = 0, /=0, g = 0, h= 0 are six of the bitangents of the curve, 
and the bitangent a = 0 touches the curve at the two points of intersection of this 
line with the conic bg — ch = 0. The general equation of a conic through these two 
points a — 0, bg — ch = 0, may be written 
bg — ch +a (Ax 4- By + Gz) = 0, 
where for x, y, z we may if we please substitute any three of the six linear functions 
a, 6, c, f g, h, or any other linear functions of the coordinates (x, y, z): and the 
equation may also be written 
af ± (bg — ch) 4- a (Ax 4- By + Cz) = 0. 
Adopting this latter form, and considering the intersections of the conic with the 
quartic, that is, considering the relation 
(af+(bg + (ch = 0 
as holding good, we have 
af+ bg — ch = — 2 (afbg, 
cif—bg + ch = — 2( afch, 
and we thus have at pleasure one or other of the two equations 
— 2 (afbg 4- a (Ax 4- By 4- Gz) = 0, 
— 2 Vafch 4- a (Ax + By 4- Gz) — 0, 
— 2 (fbg + (a (Ax 4- By 4- Gz) = 0, 
— 2 (fch 4- (a (Ax + By + Gz) = 0. 
that is,

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