Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

Even and odd functions. 
8. It is clear that —m — a, — n—/3 have precisely the same series of values 
with m + a, n + /3 respectively: hence considering the function 
the linear term in the argument of the exponential may be taken to be 
the second term is here 
= — iri (my + nB) — iri (ay + /38), 
where, my + nB being an even integer, the part — iti (my + nB) does not alter the value 
of the exponential: the effect of the remaining part — nri (ay + /38) is to affect each 
term of the series with the factor exp. — iri (ay + /38), or what is the same thing, 
exp. 7ri (ay + /38), each of these being, in fact, = (—) a y+0 5 . 
We have thus 
The quarter-periods unity. 
9. Taking z and w integers, we have from the definition 
viz. the effect of altering the arguments u, v into u + z, v + w is simply to interchange 
the functions as shown by this formula. 
If z and w are each of them even, then replacing them by 2z, 2w respectively, 
we have 
which by a preceding formula is 

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