Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

or the function is altered at most in its sign. And again writing 2z, 2w for z, w, 
we have 
^ Cy $) + V + = ^ (7 s) ( U ’ V ^‘ 
In reference to the foregoing results we say that the theta-functions have the 
quarter-periods (1, 1), the half-periods (2, 2), and the whole periods (4, 4). 
The conjoint quarter quasi-periods. 
10. Taking x, y integers, we consider the effect of the change of a, v into 
u + i (ax + hy), v + ~.(hx + by). 
7T% 7T% 
It is convenient to start from the function 
h~ !> ){ u + li ( ' lucJrhy) ’ v + h(hx + by)); 
the argument of the exponential is here 
(a, h, b^m + a — x, n + /3 — y) 2 
+ \in jm 4- a — x. u + 7 + {ax + hy) + n + /3 — y . v + 8 + (hx + by)|, 
which is 
= 5 {a, h, b$m + a, n + /3) 2 + ^iri (m 4- a . u + 7 + n + (3 . v + 8) 
+ other terms which are as follows : viz. they are 
— I {a, h, bjjm + a, n + /3J[x, y) + \ (m + a . ax + hy + n + /3. hx + by) 
+ l {a, h, bjjx, y) 2 - 1rri (x. u + 7 + y . v + 8) 
— ^{x.ax + hy+y. hx + by), 
where the terms of the right-hand column are, in fact, 
= + \ {a, h, 6$ra + a, n + /3][x, y) 
. — \rri (x. u + 7 + y . v + 8) 
— 2 (a, h, bjjx, yf, 
and the other terms in question thus reduce themselves to 
— J (a, h, b\x, y) 2 — £7ri (x. u + 7 + y. v + 8), 
which are independent of m, n, and they thus affect each term of the series with 
the same exponential factor. The result is 
B~ y ){ u + ^l(<» + %>. v + h(kc + by)) 
= exp. I- J (a, h, b(jx, + y+ >/.» +8)) (a, v);

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