Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

and in the second, writing m', n' instead of m, n, the argument is 
/to' + a , n' + /3' \ 
\ u — u' + y', v — v' + 8'/ ’ 
hence in the product, the argument of the exponential is the sum of these two 
functions, viz. 
= ^ (a, h, b^m + a, n + /3) 2 + ^iri (m + a .u + u' + 7 + n + /3 . v + v' + 8 ) 
+ i («> h, b'^m! + a', n' + /S') 2 + \nri (to' + a'. u — u + 7' + n' + /3'. v — v + 8'). 
Comparing herewith the sum of the two functions 
/> + \ (a + a'), v + | (/3 + fi')\ />' + 2 (« “ °0> v ' + \ (ft ~ P)\ 
[274 + 7 + 7' , 2t; + 8+S' / \2u' + 7 — 7' , 2v' + 8 — 8' / 
= \ (2a, 2h, 2b\[x + § (a + a'), v + ^ (/3 + /S')) 2 
+ ^ 7ri [/x + (cl + a'). 2u + 7 3“ Y 3" v + ^ (/3 + /3). 2v + 8 + 8 j 
3- i (2a, 2A, 26$/ + i(a-af), ✓ + *(£-/3')) 2 
+ ^7rf {/¿' + ^ (a — a'). 2w' + 7 — 7'3-1/ 3- | (/8 — /3'). 2v' + 8 — 8'], 
the two sums are identical if only 
m 4- to' = 2/a, 71 + 71' = 2v, 
to — to' = 2/¿', n — n = 2v, 
as may easily be verified by comparing the quadric and the linear terms separately. 
The product of the two theta-functions is thus 
= 1 exp. 
/> 3- 2 ( a + a ')> v 3- 2 (ft + j3')\ ~ /fi + % (a — a'), v + I {$ — /3')\ 
\2w + 7 + 7' , 2t; + 8 + 8' ) * V2m' + 7- 7' , 2t/ + 8-8' j ’ 
with the proper conditions as to the values of /x, v and of ¡x, v in the two sums 
respectively. As to this, observe that to, to' are even integers; say for a moment 
that they are similar when they are both =0 or both = 2 (mod 4), but dissimilar 
when they are one of them =0 and the other of them =2 (mod 4); and the like 
as regards n, n. Hence if to, to' are similar, ¡x y ¡x are both of them even; but if 
to, to' are dissimilar, then ¡x, fx' are both of them odd. And so if n, n' are similar, 
v, v are both of them even ; but if n, n are dissimilar, then v, v are both odd. 
14. There are four cases : 
to, to' similar, n, n similar, 
to, to' dissimilar, n, n similar, 
to, to' similar, n, n' dissimilar, 
to, to' dissimilar, n, n dissimilar. 
In the first of these, fx, v, fx', v are all of them even, and the product is 
=® (* ( “+?; * ( f+V) (2m - 2s) • e C i - 7. h ^ : 8°) (2m ■ 2!/) -

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