Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

are found in terms of the functions of (u, v) and of (u', v'): in any such expression 
taking u, v' each of them indefinitely small, but with their ratio arbitrary, we obtain 
the value of 
n u u u 
^viz. u here stands for the two arguments (u, v), and d denotes total differentiation 
dA = du ~ A (u, v) + dv A (u, v)J, 
as a quadric function of the functions of (u, v): or dividing by A 2 , the form is d -j equal 
to a function of the quotient-functions & c -> that we have the differentials of 
the quotient-functions in terms of the quotient-functions themselves. Substituting for 
the quotient-functions their values in terms of x, y, we should obtain the differential 
relations between dx, dy, du, dv, viz. putting for shortness 
these are of the form 
X = ci — x. b — x. c — x. d — x. e — x .f— x, 
Y=a—y.b —y.c—y. cl —y.e —y./- y, 
dx dy xdx y dy 
vT _ V;P’ WT~ VF’ 
each of them equal to a linear function of du and dv: so that the quotient-functions 
are in fact the 15 hyperelliptic functions belonging to the integrals 
and there is thus an addition-theorem for them, in accordance with the theory of 
these integrals. 
26. The first 16 equations of the product-theorem, putting therein first u — 0, 
v = 0, and then u' =0, v' = 0, and using the results to eliminate the functions on the 
right-hand side, give expressions for 
u + u u-u' 
A . B, &c., 
that is, they give A (u + u!, v + v').B(u — u', v — v'), &c., in terms of the functions of (u, v) 
and (u', v'): and we have thus an addition-with-subtraction theorem for the double 
theta-functions. And we have thence also consequences analogous to those which present 
themselves in the theory of the single functions. 
Remark as to notation. 
27. I remark, as regards the single theta-functions, that the characteristics 
might for shortness be represented by a series of current numbers 
0, 1, 2, 3: 

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