Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

66. We have, in the Fundamenta Nova, p. 175, [Jacobi’s Ges. Werke, t. i., p. 227], 
the equation 
© (0, lc) v k' 0 (0, k') 5 
writing here K'u instead of u the equation becomes 
H(iK'u, k) . /k (. ttK' \ H {K'u, k') 
■@(0, k) =' vfc' exp -1“) ■ -0(07W' 
or, what is the same thing, 
C(o, , 
which can be readily identified with the foregoing equation between D and 
B(u, r). But the real meaning of the transformation is best seen by means of the 
double-product formulae. 
Notations, Sc. 
67. We have here 16 functions ^ gj ( u > v ) ■ notation by characteristics, 
containing each of them four numbers, is too cumbrous for ordinary use, and I 
therefore replace it by the current-number notation, in which the characteristics are 
denoted by the series of numbers 0, 1, 2,..., 15: we cannot in place of this introduce 
the single-and-double-letter notation A, B,..., AB, &c., for there is not here any cor 
respondence of the two notations, nor is there anything in the definition of the 
functions which in anywise suggests the single-and-double-letter notation: this first 
presents itself in connexion with the relations between the functions given by the 
product-theorem: and as the product-theorem is based upon the notation by charact 
eristics, it is proper to present the theorem in this notation, or in the equivalent 
current-number notation: and then to show how by the relations thus obtained 
between the functions we are led to the single-and-double-letter notation. 
68. There are some other notations which may be referred to: and for showing 
the correspondence between them I annex the following table:—

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