Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

system of all the substitutions (or say the entire group), or else it is a system the 
number of whose terms is a submultiple of the whole number of substitutions. The 
interesting question is, to determine those two or more substitutions, which, by their 
combination as above, do not give the entire group; for in this way we should arrive 
at all the forms of a submultiple group. 
[Yol. xv., p. 80.] 
3356. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—If the roots (a, /3, y, 8) of the equation 
(a, b, c, d, e) (a, l) 4 = 0 are no two of them equal; and if there exist unequal 
magnitudes 6 and </>, such that 
(6 + a) 4 : (6> + /3) 4 : (0 + 7 ) 4 : (0 + 8) 4 = (</> + a) 4 : (<f> + BY : (<£ + 7 ) 4 : (</> + S) 4 ; 
show that the cubinvariant 
ace — ad 2 — b 2 e — c 3 + 2bcd = 0; 
and find the values of 0, <f). 
[Yol. xvi., June to December, 1871, p. 65.] 
3507. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—Show that, for the quadric cones which 
pass through six given points, the locus of the vertices is a quartic surface having 
upon it twenty-five right lines; and, thence or otherwise, that for the quadric cones 
passing through seven given points the locus of the vertices is a sextic curve. 
[Vol. xvi., p. 90.] 
3536. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—A particle describes an ellipse under the 
simultaneous action of given central forces, each varying as (distance) -2 , at the two 
foci respectively: find the differential relation between the time and the excentric 
[Vol. xviL, January to June, 1872, p. 35.] 
3591. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—If in a plane A, B, C, D are fixed points 
and P a variable point, find the linear relation 
a . PAB + B.PBC+ry.PGD + 8 . PDA = 0, 
which connects the areas of the triangles PAB, &c. 
[Vol. xviL, p. 49.] 
2652. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—Find the differential equation of the 
parallel surfaces of an ellipsoid.

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