Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

or, what is the same thing, the coordinates of the six given points may be taken 
to be 
+ zp x — 2w )B X V ^ 
2Z'p — onnr\- \ ^ X7 
3( xp 3 
+ ( 
+ ( xp B - 2ypi 
+ (2 xp 6 - yp 5 
[Yol. lxl, p. 123.] 
3185. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—An unclosed polygon of (m+1) vertices 
is constructed as follows: viz. the abscissae of the several vertices are 0, 1, 2, ..., w, 
and corresponding to the abscissa k, the ordinate is equal to the chance of m + k 
heads in 2m tosses of a coin; and m then continually increases up to any very 
large value; what information in regard to the successive polygons, and to the 
areas of any portions thereof, is afforded by the general results of the Theory of 
Probabilities ? 
[Vol. LXL, p. 124.] 
3229. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—It is required to find the value of the 
elliptic integral F (c, 6) when c is very nearly = 1 and 6 very nearly = \ir; that is, 
the value of 
rfrr-a- d6 
J 0 {1 — (1 -& 2 )sin 2 0|i’ 
where a, b are each of them indefinitely small. 
N.B.—Observe that, for a = 0, b small, the value is equal log 4¡b, and for 6 = 0, 
a small, the value is — log cot

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