Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

attraction of ellipsoidal shell on exterior point, ix, 302—11 ; negative pedals, x, 576; in Ency. Brit., 
xi, 576—9. 
Elliptic Coordinates : equation of wave surface in, xi, 71—2. 
Elliptic Functions: Bronwin on, i, 118, 119; of Jacobi, i, 127, 507, 586; integral calculus, i, 383; 
multiplication of, i, 534—9, 568—76, 589 ; addition of, i, 540—9, 589, xii, 294—8; connected with 
theory of numbers, n, 48; system of modular symbols, iv, 484—9; Weierstrass, v, 33—7; treatise by 
Cayley, viii, xviii, xxviii, xm, 560; a general differential equation, ix, 592—608 ; a differential equation in 
theory of, x, 24 ; and integration, x, 25—7 ; torse depending on, x, 73—8 ; reduction of Abelian integrals 
to, x, 214—22; and single theta functions, x, 422—9, 463, 472; certain algebraic identities, xi, 
130—1; evolution of, xi, 451—5; and quartic function, xi, 483; kinds of, xi, 529; symmetrical 
differential equation and, xn, 30—2; solution of x 3 + y' i -1=0, xn, 35—7; Weierstrassian and 
Jacobian compared, xn, 425—7 ; Kiepert’s ¿-equations, xn, 490—2; graphical representation, xm, 
9—19; and sextic resolvent equations, xm, 473—9; theta and omega functions, xm, 558—9; 
(see also Gudermannian, Theta functions). 
Elliptic Functions Formulae: Serret’s, hi, 3; for geodesic lines on special ellipsoid, vn, 507—10; one, 
xi, 65, xii, 292—3; connexion of certain, xi, 250—1; geometrical interpretation of certain, xn, 107. 
Elliptic Functions, Inverse: i, 136—55, 156—82, 586; and definite integrals, ii, 3. 
Elliptic Functions, Memoir on Transformation of: ix, 113—75; introductory, ix, 113—4; the general 
problem, ix, 114—7; Qk modular equations, ix, 117—8; equation-systems, ix, 119—20; Q.k form, 
ix, 121—6; modular equation, ix, 126—37; tables, ix, 128—35, 163; multiplier equation, ix, 
138—40; multiplier as rational function of u, v, ix, 140—4; multiplication of elliptic functions, ix, 
144—7; transformations, ix, 147—55; general theory of ^-transcendents, ix, 155—69; four forms of 
modular equation and curves represented thereby, ix, 169—75. 
Elliptic Functions, Theorems in: xi, 73—7; Landen’s, xi, 337—9, 584; Ilermite’s /¿product, xii, 
Elliptic Functions, Theory of: i, 290—300, 364—5, 402—4, 587, 589 ; and quadri-quadric curve, xii, 
Elliptic Functions, Transformation of: i, 120—2, 132—5, 585, ix, 543, x, 333—8, 611, xi, 26, xii, 416—7, 
505—34, 535—55, xm, 29—32; cubic, III, 266—7, VII, 44—6, 244—5, 253—6, XII, 46, 556—7, XIII, 
64—5; special quartic, ix, 103—6; geometric illustration of cubic, ix, 522—6; orthomorphosis, 
xm, 191—205. 
Elliptic Integrals: reduction of i, 224—7; transformation, i, 508—10, ix, 618—21; geometrical 
representation, ii, 53—6, 113—7; discussion, n, 93—5; and covariants, n, 189—92; transformation 
formulae, iv, 60—9, 609; expression for second kind of, x, 25—7; note on theory, x, 139—42; 
some formulae in, x, 143—8; of third kind, x, 489—92; problem, x, 614; theta functions, xi, 41—6; 
note on, xi, 64 ; reduction of an integral to, xi, 270—1 ; of third kind, formulae, xi, 340—1. 
Elliptic Motion: expansion of true anomaly, in, 139—42, 567; trilinear equation of second degree, 
hi, 143—8; theory of, in, 216—8; tables of functions in theory, in, 360—474, vii, 516; Lambert’s 
theorem, in, 562—5, vii, 387—9; and dynamical progress, iv, 521—4; a theorem, ix, 191—3; and 
body let fall at equator, ix, 241—3. 
Elliptic Motion, Disturbed : memoirs on, in, 270—92, 344—59, 505—15. 
Elliptic Space : and non-Euclidian geometry, xm, 481. 
Elliptic-Transcendent Identity : viii, 564. 
Ellis, R. L.: orthogonal surfaces, viii, 272; differential equations, viii, 458; Dupin’s theorem, ix, 88. 
Emanants : of qualities, ii, 321; theory, ii, 518; Bezoutoidal, ii, 525, 526; the term, iv, 604, xm, 46. 
Emanation: theory of, n, 321. 
Encke, J. F.: über die speciellen Störungen, in, 179—80; fluctuating functions, ix, 19; roots of 
numerical equations, x, 5.

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