Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

geodesics on quadric surface, vm, 164—70; formulae for position of point, vm, 170—4; ellipsoid 
and skew hyperboloid, vm, 174—8, 188—99 ; tables, viii, 196—9. 
Geometrical Construction: in optics, x, 28; of heptagon, x, 609. 
Geometrical Representation; of elliptic functions, hi, 3; of imaginary variables, x, 316—23; of an 
equation between two variables, xn, 104. 
Geometry; of n dimensions, i, 55—62; reciprocity, I, 377—82; of quantics, ii, 222; of one and two 
dimensions defined, ii, 561—2; of one dimension, n, 563—9, 583—96; of two dimensions, n, 569—83, 
586—92; relations of, metrical and descriptive, n, 592; non-Euclidian and hyper-, n, 604—6, 
vm, xxxiii—v, 409—13, xn, 220—38; Lobatschewsky’s imaginary, v, 471; problem of permutation, 
v, 493—4; signification of elementary formula, v, 498—9; notion of absolute, v, 550; drawings in, 
vi, 9; constructive, vn, 26—30; transformation, vn, 121—2; Cayley and Klein on metrical, vm, 
xxxvi—vii; hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic, vm, xxxvii; Cayley’s work in analytical, vm, xxxviii; 
formulae relating to right line, x, 287—9; considerations on solar eclipse, x, 310—5; interpretation 
of algebraic equations, x, 581; solid, xi, 224; Schubert’s numerative, xi, 281—93; Mill on, xi, 
432—4; Euclidian, xi, 434—7; Cartesian, xi, 437—9; abstract, xi, 441—2; origin, xi, 445—8; in 
Greece, xi, 446; evolution of descriptive, xi, 448—9 ; date of extensions in, xi, 449—51; plane and 
solid, xi, 450—1; function in, xi, 522—3; interpretation of elliptic function formulae, xn, 107; 
d’Alembert Carnot paradox, xn, 305—6; of the compass, xn, 314—7; algebra and logic, xn, 459; 
{see also Hypergeometry: for General Theory, see Quantics, sixth memoir). 
Geometry, Abstract, Memoir on: vi, 456—69, 596 ; introductory, vi, 456—7; space, vi, 456—7; general 
explanations, vi, 457—62, 596 ; omal relation, order, vi, 463; parametric relations, vi, 463—4; quantics, 
notations, etc., vi, 464—6; resultant, discriminant, vi, 466—7 ; consecutive points, tangent omals, 
vi, 467—9. 
Geometry, Analytical, in Ency. Brit.: xi, 546—82; introductory, xi, 546; Part I, pure analytical, 
xi, 546—67; is descriptive, xi, 552—6; metrical theory, xi, 556—7 ; equations of right line and 
circle—transformation of coordinates, xi, 558—61 ; the conics, xi, 561—4; tangent, normal, circle and 
radius of curvature, xi, 564—5 ; coordinates, xi, 566—7 ; Part II, solid analytical geometry, intro 
ductory, xi, 567—9; metrical theory, xi, 570; line, plane, and sphere, xi, 571—2; cylinders, cones, 
ruled surfaces, xi, 572—3; transformation of coordinates, xi, 573—6; quadric surfaces (paraboloids, 
ellipsoids, and hyperboloids), xi, 576—9; curves : tangent, osculating plane, curvature, xi, 579—80; 
surfaces: tangent lines and plane, curvature, xi, 580—2; (see also Hypergeometry). 
Geometry of Position : theorems in, i, 317—28, 356—61, 414—20, 550—6, 567, 588. 
Gergonne, J. D.: caustics, n, 118, 339, 341, 368; polyzomal curves, vi, 520. 
Geschlecht: (genus) of curve, after Riemann, v, 467, 517, 619. 
Glaisher, J. W. L.: notation for elliptic functions, i, 548; definite integration, vm, 1; centro-surface of 
ellipsoid, vm, 364; report on mathematical tables, ix, 461—99; development of an idea of Eisenstein, 
x, 58—9; proof of Stirling’s theorem, x, 267—8; quadrilateral inscribable in circle, x, 578 ; log 2, 
xi, 70; elliptic functions, xi, 73; least factors of numbers, xi, 430; modular function *<», xiii, 
338—41; theta and omega functions, xiii, 558—9. 
Glide : the term, i, 236. 
Glover, J. W.: on theory of groups, xiii, 533. 
Goniometry: Cotterill’s problem in, x, 295—7. 
Gopel, A.: theory of numbers, iv, 41; theta functions, vm, xiii, x, 464, 499, xn, 363—4; double theta 
functions and 16-nodal quartic surface, x, 157, 162, 172, 173, 175, 180—1; table of tetrads, 508, 
549—51; double theta functions, xi, 454. 
Gordan, P. : binary quintic and sextic, vi, 190; irreducible covariants of binary quantic, vn, 334, 341, 
348—53; covariants of binary quantic, vm, 566; finiteness of concomitant systems, x, 286 ; derivatives, 
x, 340, 377; Schwarzian derivative and polyhedral functions, xi, 149, 199; finite groups, xi, 237—41; 
covariantive forms and tables, xi, 272; concomitants of ternary cubic, xi, 343; Abelian functions, 
xn, 102, 109; icosahedral substitutions, xiii, 552.

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