Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Goursat, E.: Kummer’s differential equation, xm, 69—73. 
Graduation Curve: the term, vn, 426. 
Graham, A.: Pellian equation, xm, 442. 
Grant, R. : report on Catalogue of Memoirs, v, 546—8, 620. 
Graphical Construction: in solar eclipses, vn, 390—1, 479—92; geodesic lines on ellipsoid, vn, 507, 510; 
theory of groups, x, 403—5. 
Grassmann, H.: multiple algebra, xn, 465, 480—9. 
Gravelius, H.: on non-Euclidian geometry, xm, 481. 
Graves, J. T.: algebraic couples, i, 128; geometry of position, i, 319, 414—20; imaginaries, i, 586. 
Gravity: and relative motion, iv, 534—7; action at equator, ix, 241—3; Clairaut’s theorem, x, 
17—8; effects of theory, xi, 447—8. 
Greatheed, S. S.: expansions in multiple sines, i, 5S3; elliptic motion, iv, 522, 588. 
Greek: Cayley’s knowledge of, vm, xxiv; geometry, arithmetic, and algebra, xi, 446. 
Green, G.: attractions of ellipsoids, i, 582; attraction of terminated straight line, vn, 32; potentials 
of polygons and polyhedra, ix, 279; integration of prepotential equation, ix, 320—1, 343, 393—404; 
attractions, xi, 448. 
Greenhill, A. G.: deformation and flexure of surfaces, xi, 66—7. 
Greenians: the term, ix, 393. 
Greer, H. R.: locus, envelope, and triangle, vi, 72. 
Gregory, D. F.: differential and integral calculus, vm, 272. 
Griffiths, J.: series of triangles, vn, 599; curve of sixth order, x, 612; deduction from y = sm(A + B + C+ ...), 
xn, 58—9. 
Ground-curve: and Abel’s theorem, xn, 38, 109—216. 
Groups: of lines and points, I, 317—28, 356—61, 414—20, 550—6; depending on symbolic equation 
d n =l, ii, 123—30, 131—2, iv, S8—91; theory of, iv, 88—91, x, 324—30, xn, 639—56; the term, 
iv, 594, 596, vn, 123; rotations of polyhedra, v, 529, 559; Cayley’s work at, vm, xxxiii; 
theorems on, x, 149—52, 153—4; desiderata and suggestions on theory, x, 401—6; partitions and 
theory of, xi, 62; homographic transformations, xi, 189—90, 196—208, 237—41; linear transformation 
of a variable, xi, 237—41; Jacobian sextic, xi, 389, 393—6; the notion, xi, 509—10; Latin squares, 
xm, 55—7; substitution groups for two to eight letters, xm, 117—49; of points, non-existence of 
a special, xm, 212; quotient G/H in theory of, xm, 336—7; illustrations of Sylow’s theorems on, 
xm, 530—3; of sixty icosahedral substitutions, xm, 552, 556. 
Grunert, J. A.: difference-table, xi, 144. 
Gudermann, C.: elliptic integrals, i, 224; transformation of an integral, i, 383; transformation of 
elliptic functions, hi, 2; spherical pendulum, iv, 534, 5S8; logarithms, vn, 414. 
Gudermannian: v, 86—8, 617; Lobatschewsky’s imaginary geometry, v, 472; tables of, v, 617. 
Gundelfinger, S.: concomitants of ternary cubic, xi, 342—3. 
Hall, A.: motion of particle towards attracting centre, ix, 215—7. 
Halphen, G. H.: inverse elliptic functions, i, 586; curves in space, v, 613—7; higher singularities 
of plane curves, v, 619; curves satisfying given conditions, vi, 594—5; classification of curves, xi, 
451; invariants of differential equations, xn, 392—3; transformation in elliptic functions, xm, 29; 
Sylvester on reciprocants, xm, 48; reciprocants, xm, 333, 366, 368—81, 3S1—98; characteristic 
n in the theory of curves in space, xm, 468—72. 
Halsted, G. B.: hyperspace and non-Euclidian geometry, n, 606. 
Hamilton, Sir W. R.: quaternions, I, 123—6, 238, 335, 586; form of equations of motion, I, 284; 
homographic transformation of quadrics, n, 105, 133; focal relations, n, 143; problem of three 
or more bodies, hi, 97—103; differential equations, hi, 164, iv, 514; method of dynamics, hi, 
166—74, 200, 202; equations of motion, m, 186; isochronism of circular hodograph, hi, 262—5;

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