Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Jordan, C. : trees, x, 599, xi, 366; substitutions, xi, 455; theory of equations, xi, 520—1; uniform 
convergence, xm, 343—4. 
Joubert, P.: transformation of elliptic functions, ix, 113, 138. 
Kant, I. : cognition and space, xi, 431 ; negative magnitude, xi, 434. 
Kelland, P. : quaternions, xn, 475. 
Kelvin, Lord : equimomental surfaces, i, 253—4 ; definite integral, i, 270 ; differentiation and evaluation 
of definite integrals, I, 587 ; relative motion, iv, 535, 593 ; inertia, iv, 565, 566, 593 ; attraction 
of terminated straight line, vu, 33 ; report on mathematical tables, ix, 461—99 ; distribution of 
electricity, xi, 6. 
Kempe, A. B. : theory of groups, xii, 639. 
Kenogram : the term, ix, 202—3. 
Kepler, J. : problem of, iv, 521 ; and ellipse, xi, 447. 
Key, T. H. : Professor of Mathematics, University of Virginia, xm, 43. 
Kiepert, L. : transformation of elliptic functions, xn, 490—2. 
Kinematics: of solid body, iv, 580—2; six coordinates of a line, vu, 89—95; of a plane, xi, 103—110, 
xm, 505—16. 
Kirkman, T. P. : schoolgirl problem, i, 483, 589 ; geometry of position, i, 550—6 ; sums of squares, n, 
49—52; double summation of factorial expression, hi, 250—3; autopolar polyhedra, iv, 85, 182; 
enumeration of polyhedra, v, 38 ; partitions of a polygon, xm, 93. 
Klein, F. : theory of distance, n, 604, vm, xxxvi—vii ; coordinates in non-Euclidian geometry, n, 604—6 ; 
non-Euclidian geometry, vm, 409—13, xm, 481 ; correspondence of homographies and rotations, x, 
153; a system of quadric surfaces, x, 269; octahedral function, xi, 128; Schwarzian derivative and 
polyhedral functions, xi, 149, 151, 179, 183, 185 ; his classes of geometry, xi, 436; transformation of 
elliptic functions, xii, 29, 46, 490, 547. 
Knots: of trees, hi, 243, ix, 429—60, xi, 365—7, xm, 26—8; in topography, defined, iv, 104. 
Königsberger, L. : transformation of elliptic functions, ix, 113, 140; theta functions, x, 499. 
Korndorfer, G-. : quartic and quintic surfaces, vu, 246, 249, 252. 
Kowalski, M. : orbit of Neptune, ix, 180. 
Kreistheilung : (cyclotomy), xi, 58, 86. 
Kronecker, L. : equation of differences, rv, 609—16 ; quintics, v, 55 ; theory of equations, xi, 520 ; 
sextic resolvent equations, xm, 473—9. 
Kummer, E. E. : solution of equation ¿c 257 — 1 = 0, i, 564; wave surfaces, i, 587; composition of numbers, 
iv, 70—1, 78—9; Steiner’s quartic surface, v, 423; 16-nodal quartic surfaces, v, 431—7, vu, 
126—7, x, 437; quartic surfaces, vu, 134, 176, 313, ix, 71; quintic surfaces, vu, 245, 247, 252; 
nodal quartic surfaces, vu, 264—297 ; surface of, vm, 69 ; prepotentials, ix, 364 ; mathematical 
tables, ix, 494 ; double theta functions and 16-nodal quartic surface, x, 158, 161 ; octic surface, 
x, 252 ; theta functions, x, 499 ; table of hexads, x, 506, 538, 552 ; hypergeometric series, xi, 
17—25, 177; Schwarzian derivative and polyhedral functions, xi, 149; theory of numbers, xi, 456; 
systems of rays, xii, 573; differential equation of third order, xm, 69—73. 
Lachlan, R. : circles and spheres, i, 581, xm, 13. 
Lacroix, S. F. : transformation of coordinates, iv, 557 ; imaginaries, xii, 468. 
Lacunary Functions : xm, 415—7. 
Ladd, Christine : the Pascal hexagram, vi, 594. 
Lagrange, J. L.: theorem of expansion, i, 40—2, 584, n, 1—7, III, 141; determinants, I, 64; variation 
of parameters, I, 243 ; dynamical differential equations, i, 279 ; elliptic functions, I, 366 ; distances 
of points, i, 581; attractions and multiple integrals, i, 581—2; caustics, n, 353; problem of two 
fixed centres, m, 104—10, iv, 527, 528—9, 589; sums of series, m, 124; Mécanique Analytique, m, 

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