Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Manuscript of Cayley: facsimile of, on frontispiece, vm. 
Maps : surface representation on plane, Tin, 538—9 ; colouring, xi, 7—8 ; projections, xi, 448. 
Mars : Newcomb on observations of, ix, 177. 
Marsano, G. B. : mathematical tables, ix, 481—3. 
Martin, A.: integration, x, 15, 29; probabilities, x, 600; Pellian equation, xm, 467. 
Mascheroni, L. : geometry of the compass, xn, 314—7. 
Masères, F. : algebraic equations, iv, 171. 
Mathematical Society of London : Sylvester’s connexion with, xm, 45. 
Mathematical Tables (see Tables). 
Mathematics : recent terminology, iv, 594—608 ; Mill on, xi, 432—4 ; relation to physics, xi, 444, 449 ; 
extent, xi, 449 ; Sylvester on its relation to music, xm, 45. 
Matrices: notation, n, 185—8, xi, 243; constituents being linear functions of one variable, n, 216—20; 
unity, ii, 477 ; theory of, n, 475—96, 604, v, 438—48 ; which satisfy algebraic equation of own 
order, ii, 483 ; convertible, n, 488 ; rectangular, n, 494—6 ; in automorphic linear transformation, 
ii, 497—505; a linear system, n, 604; for reduction of quintic to Jerrard’s form, iv, 392; the 
term, iv, 594, 601—2; Bezoutic, iv, 607; Cayley’s method of verification, vm, xxvii ; Cayley the 
founder of theory, vm, xxxii—iii ; transformation of coordinates, xi, 136—42; of order two and the 
homographie function, xi, 252—7; quaternions, xn, 303, 311, 479; the equation, qQ-Qq' = 0, xn, 
311—3; and theta function transformation, xn, 367—72, 386—9; quintic, xn, 376—80; Sylvester’s 
theory of the corpus, xm, 47 ; involutant of two binary, xm, 74—5 ; six coordinates of a line, 
xm, 76—8; note on a theorem in, xm, 114; and sixty icosahedral substitutions, xm, 552—7. 
Maurice, F. : variation of arbitrary constants, hi, 166, 202, 
Maxima : of certain factorial functions, vm, 548—9. 
Maxima and Minima: of functions of three variables, i, 228—9; theorem in, ix, 40—1; theory of 
déblais and remblais, xi, 417—20. 
Maximum Indicator : vi, 83. 
Maxwell, J. C. : contour lines, iv, 609 ; quartic and quintic surfaces, vu, 246, 252 ; on Cayley, vm, xx. 
Mean Motion (see Motion). 
Mechanical Construction: curve tracing, vm, 179—80, xm, 515—6; of Cartesians, ix, 317, 535—6; of 
conformable figures, x, 406. 
Mechanics: variation of arbitrary constants in, iii, 161—5, 200; construction of conformable figures, x, 
406; integrator, xi, 52—4; and time, xi, 444; function in, xi, 522—3; curve tracing, xm, 515—6. 
Mehler, F. G. : attractions of polyhedra, ix, 266. 
Memoirs : list of, on theoretical dynamics, iv, 584—593 ; (see also Ency. Brit, and the word desired). 
Mention, M. : in-and-circumscribed polygon, iv, 294, 303—5. 
Mercator’s Projection : vm, 567, ix, 237—40. 
Merrifield, C. W. : letter to, vm, 517—8. 
Mersenne, M. : the cycloid, xi, 447. 
Metageometry (see Ilypergeometry, Prepotentials). 
Method of Derivations: Arbogast’s, n, 257, iv, 265—71, 272—5, 609, xi, 55; binomial theorem and 
factorials, vm, 463—73. 
Methyl : trees of, ix, 544—5. 
Metrical Geometry : n, 592. 
Metrical Theory : pure analytical geometry, xi, 556—7 ; solid geometry, xi, 570. 
Meunier, J. B. M. C. : theorem of, in, 38. 
Meyer, F. : history of quantics, vm, xxxi; orthomorphosis, xm, 175, 187. 
Mill, J. S. : logic and mathematics, xi, 432—4. 
Miller, W. J. C.: triangles, v, 566; conics, v, 582; negative pedals of ellipsoid and ellipse, x, 576—7; 
geometrical interpretation, x, 604.

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