Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Milner’s Lamp : differential equation and construction of, xm, 3—5. 
Minima (see Maxima and Minima). 
Minimal Surfaces (see Surfaces). 
Minor : the term, xi, 496. 
Minor Function: in Abel’s theorem, xn, 111. 
Mirrors : systems of rays, xii, 571—5. 
Mobius, A. F.: geometry of position, I, 360; reciprocal figures, i, 415; developable from quintic curve, 
i, 500; tortuous curves, I, 500; circular relation, m, 118—9, ix, 612—7, XI, 188; cubic curves, 
iv, 120, xi, 479; in-and-circumscribed triangle, iv, 439—41; cubic curves and cones, v, 401, 551; 
opposite curves, v, 468 ; equilibrium of four forces, v, 540—1 ; coordinates of a line, vu, 66, 93 ; 
multiple algebra, xn, 472, 473. 
Models : Pliicker’s, of quartic surfaces, vu, 298—302 ; Wiener’s, of cubic surface, vm, 366—84. 
Modular : the term, xm, 559. 
Modular Equations: in elliptic functions, ix, 117—8, 126—37, 169—75, xii, 507—34; errors in Sohnke’s 
paper, ix, 543 ; for cubic transformation, xii, 46 ; quintic transformation, xii, 416. 
Modular Functions: system of symbols, iv, 484—9; x“, xm, 338—41. 
Modulus: of transformation, the term, iv, 605; table for any prime or composite, vi, 83—6. 
Moment : non-Euelidian geometry, xm, 481—9. 
Moment of Inertia : of solid body, iv, 478—80, 559—66. 
Monge, G. : transformation of coordinates, iv, 557 ; theory of déblais and remblais, xi, 417—20 ; descrip 
tive geometry, xi, 448—9 ; reciprocal polars, xi, 465 ; biographical notice, xi, 586—8 ; non-Euclidian 
plane geometry, xii, 221 ; differential equation of conic, xii, 393. 
Monodromie : the term, xii, 432. 
Monogenic Function : xi, 80, 537. 
Monoid Surfaces: and curves in space, v, 8, 552; and quintic curves in space, v, 24—30, 552, 553, 613. 
Monotropic : the term, xii, 432. 
Monro, C. J. : flexure of spaces, x, 331—2. 
Montucla, J. F. : on Wallis, xi, 642. 
Moon : secular acceleration of mean motion, in, 522—81, 568 ; (see also Lunar Theory, Solar Eclipse). 
Morley, F. : topology of chessboard, x, 609—10; systems of circles and spheres, xm, 13. 
Motion : of solid body, i, 28—35, 583 ; secular acceleration of moon’s, in, 522—61, 568 ; Lagrange’s equations 
of, ix, 198—200; on three-bar, ix, 551—80, 585, xm, 505—16; Sylvester on recent discoveries in 
mechanical conversion, xm, 44 ; (see also Dynamics, Elliptic Motion, Kinematics, Lunar Theory). 
Motte, A. : problem of tactions, xm, 151. 
Moulton, J. F. : matrices, xi, 256. 
Mountains : altitude, and roots of algebraic equation, xm, 33—7. 
Mourey, C. V. : imaginaries, xii, 468. 
Mousetrap : the game of, in, 8, x, 256—8. 
Moutard, T. : quartic surfaces, vn, 246, vm, 262. 
Muir, T. : history of determinants, i, 581 ; problem of arrangements, x, 249—51 ; elimination, xm, 
Multiform Series : defined, iv, 456. 
Multilinear Operator of MacMahon : xm, 399. 
Multiple Algebra: on, xi, 446, xii, 60—71, 459—89; associative imaginaries, xii, 105—6. 
Multiple Integrals: and attractions, I, 5—12, 13—8, 195—203, 204—6, 285—9, 438—44, 581, 586, II, 
35—9 ; demonstration of a theorem of Boole, i, 384—7, 588. 
Multiple Sines : x, l—2. 
Multiple Theta-functions (see Theta-functions). 
Multiplication: of elliptic functions, I, 534—9, 568—76, 589, ix, 138—47, xii, 507; of determinants,

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