Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Power : of a matrix, n, 492—4 ; of homographie function, xi, 253—7. 
Power-enders : the term, xm, 267, 270, 295 ; and reciprocals, xm, 333. 
Powers : successive, of homographie function, x, 305—6, 307—9 ; of roots of algebraical equations, xn, 33—4. 
Precession: note on theory of, ix, 194—6. 
Prepotentials, Memoir on : ix, 318—423 ; introductory, ix, 318—21 ; prepotential plane, theorem A, ix, 
319, 337—43; potential surface, theorem C, ix, 320, 343—6; potential solid, theorem D, ix, 320, 
346—7; the prepotential surface integral, ix, 321—30; its continuity, ix, 330—4; potential solid 
integral, ix, 334—7 ; examples of foregoing, ix, 347—50 ; surface and volume of sphere, ix, 351—2 ; 
integral, ix, 352—9 ; prepotentials of uniform spherical shell and solid sphere, ix, 359—79 ; examples, 
theorem A, ix, 379—93 ; Green’s integration of prepotential equation, ix, 393—404 ; examples, theorem 
C, ix, 404—7 ; examples, theorem I), ix, 407—8 ; prepotentials of homaloids, ix, 408—9 ; Gauss- 
Jacobi theory of epispheric integrals, ix, 410—7 ; methods of Lejeune-Dirichlet and Boole, ix, 
Prepotentials : Smith’s Prize question, xi, 261. 
Presidential Address: to British Association, xi, 429—59. 
Prime Numbers: B.A. report on tables of, ix, 462—70. 
Prime Roots: tables, ix, 471—7. 
Prn : the abbreviation for tortuous curves, xm, 253. 
Principal System of Sextic Curve : vu, 236—8. 
Principia: solution of problem, Book I, Sect. V, Lemma xxvn, vu, 30; (see also Newton). 
Principiants : and reciprocal!ts, xm, 388—98. 
Probabilities: questions in theory of, n, 103—4, 594—8, v, 80—5, x, 588, 600—1, 614. 
Problems: mechanical, hi, 78—9; a class of dynamical, continuous impact, iv, 7—11; (see also Dynamics, 
Smith’s Prize Papers, Three Bodies). 
Problems and Solutions from the Educational Times: v, 560—612; table of contents, v, 612; vu, 
546—607; table of contents, vii, 607—8; x, 566—614; table of contents, x, 615—6; (see also Smith’s 
Prize Papers). 
Product : resolvent, iv, 309—13. 
Product-theorem: for theta functions, x, 464, 474, 509—46. 
Progress of Theoretical Dynamics {see Dynamics). 
Prohessians: defined, v, 267; and developables, v, 513—4. 
Prohibitive Points : in differential equations, xii, 434—41. 
Projectile : effect of resisting medium, iv, 541. 
Projection : stereographic, of spherical conic, v, 106—9 ; of ellipsoid, v, 487—8 ; plane representation of 
solid figure, vii, 26—30 ; stereographic, vii, 397—9, xi, 187—9, 569 ; blank, vii, 482 ; of surface on 
plane, viii, 538—9 ; Mercator’s, vm, 567 ; Mercator’s, of skew hyperboloid of revolution, ix, 237—40 ; 
a problem of, ix, 508—18 ; map, xi, 448. 
Prolusions: Sylvester’s Astronomical, xm, 47. 
Provectant : defined, n, 514. 
Provector : defined, n, 514. 
Pseudosphere : the term, xn, 220. 
Ptolemy : stereographic projection, xi, 448. 
Puiseux, V. : algebraic functions, ill, 225 ; spherical pendulum, iv, 533, 591 ; motion of a body, iv, 583, 591. 
Pyramid {see Polygons, Polyhedra). 
Quadrangle : in-and-circumscribed, iv, 307—8 ; differential relation between sides, x, 33—5. 
Quadratic Equation : roots, v, 160—1 ; and geometrical interpretation, xi, 258—60. 
Quadratic Form: composition, i, 532; transformation of, into itself, n, 192—201, 215; tables, v, 141—56, 
IX, 480—3, 486—93. 
C. XIV. 16

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