Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

The present volume is supplementary to the series of thirteen volumes 
which contain the collected mathematical papers of the late Professor Cayley. 
The first part is a list of the titles of the papers, extracted from 
the tables of contents of the respective volumes and arranged in the order 
in which the papers occur. 
The second part is an index of subjects and authors. It has been 
made by my friend, Mr. F. Howard Collins, who most kindly volunteered 
to do this laborious work ; my expectation is that the index will be a 
useful guide to the papers. 
It is now ten years since the printing of the series of volumes 
began. For about the first seven of the years, Professor Cayley himself 
acted as Editor; since his death, the duty has fallen to me. My steady 
wish has been that unnecessary delay in the publication of the volumes 
should be avoided; that the wish has been realised, is largely due to 
the staff of the University Press. Everything that could be done in 
the way of simplifying my task and assisting its progress has been done 
with zealous good-will and cordial cooperation. To each and to all of 
them my thanks are given for the help which has enabled me to fulfil 
the duty I undertook at the request of the Syndics. 
31 January, 1898. 

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