Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Skew: the word, i, 332. 
Skew Antipoint: the term, ix, 65—6. 
Skew Convertible Matrices: n, 489. 
Skew Covariants: n, 233. 
Skew Cubics: demonstration of Chasles’ theorem, i, 212. 
Skew Curvature: the term, i, 234. 
Skew Determinants: the term, and some properties of, i, 332—6, 410; on, i, 410—3, 589; researches, 
ii, 202—15, iv, 72—3; and transformation, n, 497; a theorem, iv, 72—3. 
Skew Hyperboloids: geodesic lines, vm, 174—8, 188—99; of revolution, projection of, ix, 237—40. 
Skew Matrix: iv, 602. 
Skew Polars: i, 378. 
Skew Reciprocals: the term, i, 415. 
Skew Surfaces (see Scrolls). 
Slope Lines: iv, 108—11, 609. 
Smith, H. J. S.: higher singularities of plane curves, v, 619; transformation of elliptic functions, 
ix, 174—5; report on mathematical tables, ix, 461—99; death of, xi, 429; theory of numbers, 
xi, 612; theta and omega functions, xn, 50; theta functions, xn, 337; transformation, xm, 38; 
predecessor of Sylvester in Oxford chair, xm, 44; on a memoir by, xm, 558—9. 
Smith, P.: on Lagrange’s solution of caustic, n, 353. 
Smith’s Prize Papers: vm, 414—35, 436—8, 439—57, 474—90, 496—516, 538—9, 551—5, 558—63; 
infinitesimal rotation, vi, 24—6; general equation for virtual velocities, ix, 205—8; solutions and 
remarks, ix, 218—36; Bernoulli’s numbers in analysis, ix, 259—62; problems and solutions 1877, 
x, 39—46; question on theory of equations, xi, 115; on potentials, xi, 261—4. 
Sohnke, L. A.: motion in resisting medium, iv, 541; transformation of elliptic functions, ix, 113, 
114; ditto table, ix, 128—35; modular equations, ix, 543. 
Solar Eclipse, Graphical Construction: vn, 390—1, 479—92; geometrical theory, vn, 392—6, x, 
310—5; general explanation, vn, 479—82; modification for single blank projection, vn, 482—4; 
construction of relative orbits, vn, 484—7; geometrical theory of projection of penumbral curve, 
vn, 488—9; details and application to eclipse 21—22/12/70, vil, 489—92. 
Solid Body: motion of, I, 28—35, 583; geometrical representation of motion, i, 234—6; rotation 
round fixed point, I, 237—52, 336; rotation of, I, 462—4, III, 475—504, iv, 577, 592 ; four forces 
acting on, ix, 201. 
Solid Integral Prepotential: ix, 334—7. 
Solid of Revolution: attraction of, i, 508. 
Solids: Poinsot’s four new regular, iv, 81—5, 86—7; plane representation of, vn, 26—30. 
Soluble Quintics: iv, 484, v, 55—61, xi, 402—4. 
Solutions (see Problems, Problems and Solutions, Smith’s Prize Papers). 
Somoff, J.: rotation of solid body, iv, 577, 592. 
Space: of any number of dimensions, and quantics, n, 222 ; facultative and non-facultative, vi, 156; 
dimensions and abstract geometry, vi, 456—7; rational transformation, vn, 189—240; multiple, 
vm, xxxiii—v; points and lines, correspondence in, vm, 566; flexure, x, 331—2; the term in 
five-dimensional geometry, ix, 79; theories of, xi, 434—7; curves in, xi, 489; elliptic, and non- 
Euclidian geometry, xm, 481 ; (see also Hyperspace). 
Special Conditions for Curves: vi, 193. 
Species: of Quartic Scrolls, v, 201, vi, 328; twenty-three, of cubic surfaces, vi, 359—60. 
Specific: the term, xm, 290. 
Sphere: powers of, i, 581 ; and polyhedron, v, 531 ; problem and solution, vn, 563; prepotentials, 
ix, 351—2, 359—79 ; in Ency. Brit,., xi, 571—2. 
Spherical Conics: theorem, iv, 428; stereographic projection, v, 106—9; (see also Polyzomal Curves). 

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