Spherical Curves of Curvature: surfaces with, xn, 601—38.
Spherical Pendulum : iv, 532—4, 535—7, 541.
Spherical Triangle: theorem of, iv, 80; nine-point circle of, xra, 548—51.
Spherogram: the term, vn, 404; and isoperimetric lines, vn, 467—8; e- and iseccentric lines, vn,
468—70 ; time- and isochronic lines, vn, 470—7; two plates, vn, to face 478.
Spheroidal Trigonometry: ix, 197.
Spheroid, Oblate: geodesic lines on, vii, 15—25.
Spheroquartic: the term, vm, 262.
Spinodal Curve : vi, 342—4, 583—5.
Spinode: synonymous with cusp, n, 28, iv, 22, 27; the term, v, 521 ; plane and torse, vi, 355,
583—5, 601.
Spinode Curves: and cubic surfaces, vi, 450, 595.
Spottiswoode, W.: ineunts, iv, 419 ; determinants, iv, 608; text-book on determinants, iv, 608; inter
section of line and conic, v, 500—4; twenty-one coordinates of conic in space, xi, 82—3; death of,
xi, 430; Sylvester’s researches, xm, 44.
Square Diagrams: seminvariants and solution by, xm, 288—98.
Squares: products of sums of, n, 49—52; surfaces divisible by curves of curvature into, vm, 97—8,
145—6, 264—8; theorems of 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, xi, 294—313; imaginaries of 8-, xi, 368—71 ; Mill on,
xi, 432—3 ; Latin-, xm, 55—7 ; orthomorphosis of, into circles, xm, 191—202.
Squares of Roots: equations of, iv, 242—3.
Squarewise Contractible: the term, xm, 179.
Stader, F.: central forces problem, iv, 520, 592.
Standard Solutions: of system of linear equations, xn, 19—21.
Statics: six coordinates of a line, vn, 89—95; and time, xi, 444; and Archimedes, xi, 446.
Stativity: the term, vm, 213.
Staudt, K. G. C. v.: distances of points, i, 581 ; theory of distance, n, 605 ; theorem of, on Bernoulli’s
numbers, ix, 261.
Steiner, J.: Pascal’s theorem, i, 322—8; geometry of position, i, 356, 550—6; transformation of curves,
i, 474; conics inscribed in a quadric surface, i, 557; cubic surfaces and triple tangent planes,
i, 589; extension of Malfatti’s problem, n, 57 —86, 593; porism formula, n, 90; harmonic relation
of two lines or points, II, 96; in-and-circumscribed polygon, n, 141 ; problems on quadrics, n,
179—80; pippian, n, 381, 391; systems of circles, hi, 113; double tangents, iv, 187; conics, iv, 207;
point of six-pointic contact on cubic, iv, 207; conics touching curves, v, 31—2; generalized theorem,
v, 100—2; pedals, v, 113; quartic surface, v, 421—3; theorem of eight points on a conic, v,
427—30; Casey’s equation, vi, 67; locus, envelope, and triangle, vi, 72; bitangents of quartic curve,
vn, 124; quartic surface of, vn, 247, vm, 389, ix, 1—2, x, 607 ; attraction of ellipsoidal shell, ix,
Stellated Polyhedra: iv, 82, 609.
Stereographic Projection: of spherical conic, v, 106—9; geodesic lines on oblate spheroid, vn, 24—5;
property of, vn, 397—9, xi, 187—9, 569.
Stereoscope: and cubic curves, iv, 122.
Stern, M. A.: sums of certain series, hi, 126.
Stirling, J.: curve classification, v, 354; proof of his theorem, x, 267—8.
Stockwell, J. N.: determinants, v, 45—9.
Stokes, Sir G. G.: surfaces, envelopes, and parallel curves, iv, 123—33 ; resisting medium, iv, 541 ;
Catalogue of Scientific Memoirs, v, 546—8, 620; report on mathematical tables, ix, 461—99.
Streblosis: xi, 79, 81.
Striction, Curve of: the term, i, 234.
Striction, Lines of: on skew surfaces, xm, 232—7.